Tag Archive | Cheryl Richardson

The “Thank You” Game

Note:  I originally posted this last year, but it is such a fun and rewarding game, I thought it was deserving of another post this year.  I hope you will play along! 🙂

feeling gratitude

One of the books that has had the greatest influence on my life so far is the book “Life Makeovers” by Cheryl Richardson.  This book is broken up into 52 weeks, and each week she focuses on a specific topic and gives advice and tips on ways to improve your life in that area. (Find out more about the book and how it has changed my life here.)

I have followed along with this book each week for the past 7 years, and my favorite piece of advice in the book comes from this week before Thanksgiving, Week 47.  The title of Week 47 is called The “Thank You” Game.  Cheryl suggests thanking one person a day for the next week.  It can be a teacher, bus driver, librarian, friend, spouse, child, a parent, postal worker, doctor, etc.  It can be anyone you come into contact with regularly that you would like to thank.  You can thank them by simply writing an unexpected note or e-mail, or by attaching a small gift like a box of chocolates or flowers or anything they might like.

We have been doing this for several years now, and it has become one of my favorite traditions!  I love this exercise because it is being done out of sincere gratitude, not obligation.  The recipient is usually not expecting anything, so they are usually very appreciative of the gesture.  It is a win-win situation on both sides.  We all love to feel appreciated, and it’s a great feeling to know your small gesture brightened someone’s day.

During the next 7 days, I am going to choose at least one person a day to thank.  Help me spread the gratitude and love this week by playing along with Cheryl Richardson’s “Thank You” game!  Who are you going to thank this week?

Meister Eckhart Thank You sunset4

Overcoming Anxiety Through EFT Tapping

“Energy medicine is the future of all medicine.” ~ Dr. Oz

As I mentioned in a post a few weeks ago, my 11-year-old daughter hasn’t been feeling well for about 2 months, and it has been causing her a great deal of anxiety.  While we are still working with the doctors to figure out the cause of her symptoms, we have found a way to calm her anxiety.  I thought I would share how EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) has helped us.

One night about 2 weeks ago, my daughter woke up at 4:30 am in a panic.  She said her throat felt blocked.  She could barely swallow water, and she was terrified!  I was scared, too, but since she could talk and breathe just fine, I knew the biggest problem was her anxiety.  I recalled the nights of her waking up with croup as a baby.  I remembered the cold night air always seemed to help, so I opened the door and had her breathe in the cold air.  It didn’t help.  I told her to sit on the couch and try to relax.  We took some deep breaths together.  Although this swallowing issue was brand new, she had been waking up each night not feeling well for several weeks, and I had no idea what to do.  I silently prayed to God to guide me because I was at a loss. . .and then the idea came to me to try EFT tapping with her.  I began teaching her how to tap.  She was hesitant at first and she thought it was a crazy idea and she felt silly doing it, but eventually she followed along with me and soon enough we were both talking and laughing together.  I taught her a breathing technique I had just learned the day before while listening to one of  Tony Robbins’ CD’s (breathe in 4 times through your nose, then exhale 4 times through your mouth.)  She got a kick out of that! 🙂  We continued to tap and she relaxed enough that she was able to fall back asleep on the couch.  She woke up a few hours later and her throat was much better.  She was able to eat breakfast and then went off to school.

That night, as bedtime approached, she got more and more anxious.  I went to TheTappingSolution.com and downloaded the Tapping for Stress Relief CD (it is free!)  My daughter and I followed along as Jessica Ortner guided us in the 7-minute long Evening Clearing Tapping and then the 8 minute Evening Affirmation tapping.  As soon as the second one was over, my daughter was asleep!  And she didn’t wake up once that night complaining of not feeling well.  She slept through the night for the first time in weeks, and it was great!  Since then, the Evening Clearing Tapping and the Evening Affirmation Tapping have become a nightly habit for my daughter.  She has been sleeping so much better thanks to the tapping (when she does both of them…if she doesn’t do the Evening Affirmation Tapping, she usually wakes up).  It really works!

What is EFT Tapping?

Tapping is a combination of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.  You use your fingertips to “tap” on specific points on your body while you think about your specific problem and voice positive affirmations.  It helps you get to the root cause of your issues and remove the emotional barriers that are negatively affecting your life.  Tapping has deep healing capabilities, and for those who have doubts about its effectiveness, it is even backed by science and research studies.

I first discovered tapping in February 2013.  Somehow I was led to the World Tapping Summit 2013, and I signed up for it and immersed myself in it for 10 days.  I listened to every presentation and learned how tapping could help in every area of my life.  I was impressed that some of my greatest mentors like Cheryl Richardson and Wayne Dyer were promoting this, so I decided to learn all I could about it.  Like my daughter, I thought it was weird at first and I felt silly doing it in front of the computer, but I became more comfortable over time.  Once the tapping summit was over, I didn’t use it at all because I really didn’t feel like I had a need for it at the time.  To be honest, I felt like I had wasted my time learning it.  When the World Tapping Summit aired this year, I decided not to sign up because I felt like I still had no use for it and I doubted whether it really worked.  Since my time is very precious to me, I didn’t want to “waste” my time on that again.  Little did I know that a few weeks later, it would greatly help my daughter with her anxiety issues and help both of us to regain our sleep at night.  Now I look back on those 10 days I spent in February last year and I can see what a huge gift that was, and I am so grateful I took the time to learn it.  Everything happens for a reason, right? 🙂

Tapping is an amazing tool!  I highly recommend that everyone learn how to do it.  You never know when you will need it or when you can pass on the knowledge to help someone else.  It is so quick and easy to learn, and once you learn it you will have that tool and knowledge for the rest of your life.   I love the fact that anyone can do it, anyone can learn it, and you don’t need any fancy equipment.  The power of your mind is an amazing thing!

Learn to Tap!

TheTappingSolution.com – this website has everything you ever wanted to know about tapping!  It will teach you what tapping is, why it works, how to tap, and so much more!  I highly recommend checking it out for yourself and giving yourself the gift of the knowledge of this amazing tool! 🙂

Peace & Blessings! 🙂

Everything is Happening as it Should Be


This quote from Cheryl Richardson always makes me feel better when I am feeling stressed or anxious.  My 11-year-old daughter hasn’t been feeling well for over a month, so much of my focus has been on that lately, and sometimes worry starts to take over.  As I work with her doctor to try to figure out what is going on with her, I remind myself that “everything is happening exactly as it should be,” and I instantly feel better.  This quote brings me immense comfort.  I know it is the truth, and I know that everything will work out just fine in the end.  When I look back on my life, I find that all of the difficult situations turned out to be great blessings, even if they were blessings in the form of lessons.  In the end, I believe every experience is a gift.

I just thought I would share this beautiful quote with all of you because we all experience troubles and worry from time to time.  Whatever troubles you may be experiencing today, just remember that everything is happening exactly as it should be.  I hope this quote comforts you as much as it comforts me.

If you enjoy quotes like this, “Like” Journey to Complete Wellness on Facebook for daily inspirational quotes, health tips, and healthy recipes!

The “Thank You” Game


One of the books that has had the greatest influence on my life so far is the book “Life Makeovers” by Cheryl Richardson.  This book is broken up into 52 weeks.  Each week focuses on a specific topic and gives advice and tips on ways to improve your life in that area.

I have followed along with this book each week for the past 6 years, and my favorite piece of advice in the book comes from this week before Thanksgiving, Week 47.  The title of Week 47 is called The “Thank You” Game.  Cheryl suggests thanking one person a day for the next week.  It can be a teacher, bus driver, librarian, friend, spouse, child, a parent, postal worker, doctor, etc.  It can be anyone you come into contact with regularly that you would like to thank.  You can thank them by simply writing an unexpected note or e-mail, or by attaching a small gift like a box of chocolates or flowers or anything they might like.

I love this exercise because it is being done out of sincere gratitude, not obligation.  The recipient is usually not expecting anything, so they are usually very appreciative of the gesture.  It is a win-win situation on both sides.  We all love to feel appreciated, and it’s a great feeling to know your small gesture brightened someone’s day.

I am hoping to thank the following people during the next 7 days:  each of my daughters’ teachers, the bus driver, my husband and children, my mom & dad, the librarians at our local library, and the attendant at our local recycle center.  Help me spread the gratitude and love this week by playing along with Cheryl Richardson’s “Thank You” game!