Recipe: Omelet with Sun-dried Tomatoes, Onions, Peppers, and Feta

When I was taking the October Unprocessed Challenge this past October 2013, I ate A LOT of omelets and eggs in many different forms.  I also tried sun-dried tomatoes for the first time during that month, and I absolutely LOVED them!  I was surprised at how flavorful they are.  I tried to come up with different recipes to use them in, so one day I put them into my omelet with some leftover Feta cheese I had, and I loved it.  Here is the recipe I came up with.

February 21, 2014 024 crop

2 eggs, beaten

2 Tablespoons Feta cheese

2 Sun-dried tomatoes (packed in olive oil), chopped

1 Tablespoon + 1 teaspoon coconut oil

¼ cup green pepper, diced

¼ cup onion, diced

  1. In an 8″ non-stick saute pan, melt 1 Tablespoon coconut oil over medium heat.
  2. Saute green pepper and onion in coconut oil until soft.
  3. Remove peppers and onions from pan.  Set aside.
  4. Add the teaspoon of coconut oil to the pan.  Pour the eggs into the omelet pan.  Do not stir.
  5. Once edges harden and you are able to get a rubber spatula underneath the eggs without them breaking, carefully flip the eggs.
  6. Add the cheese, peppers, onions, and sun-dried tomatoes.  Cook until cheese is melted, and fold in half.  Enjoy!

Yield: 1 Omelet

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