Everything is Happening as it Should Be


This quote from Cheryl Richardson always makes me feel better when I am feeling stressed or anxious.  My 11-year-old daughter hasn’t been feeling well for over a month, so much of my focus has been on that lately, and sometimes worry starts to take over.  As I work with her doctor to try to figure out what is going on with her, I remind myself that “everything is happening exactly as it should be,” and I instantly feel better.  This quote brings me immense comfort.  I know it is the truth, and I know that everything will work out just fine in the end.  When I look back on my life, I find that all of the difficult situations turned out to be great blessings, even if they were blessings in the form of lessons.  In the end, I believe every experience is a gift.

I just thought I would share this beautiful quote with all of you because we all experience troubles and worry from time to time.  Whatever troubles you may be experiencing today, just remember that everything is happening exactly as it should be.  I hope this quote comforts you as much as it comforts me.

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2 thoughts on “Everything is Happening as it Should Be

  1. This is a great motto for life. I guess I had this in mind as I responded to the weekly writing challenge this week on Golden Years. The prompt asked the question, “What was the worst or best moment?” And I remarked to the effect that it was “all good.” It was, as it should be, and brought me to today. It’s a healthy mindset.
    Gail at Making Life An Art

  2. Hi Gail, thanks for the comment. I just checked out your blog post and I loved it! It is true…every experience that has happened in our lives, whether good or bad, has made us who we are today. In the end, every experience is a blessing. 🙂

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