October Unprocessed: The Inspiration Behind Journey to Complete Wellness

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One year ago, I took the October Unprocessed Challenge and spent the entire month of October 2013 eating only REAL, unprocessed foods.  It was a huge learning experience for me!  During the challenge, I felt terrific and full of energy all day long.  I discovered some wonderful new foods and recipes, and I connected with a whole world of like-minded people committed to improving their health and supporting each other.  It became a lifestyle change for me and my family.  I found healthy replacements for a lot of the foods we ate.  Overall, I felt great about all the positive changes I made to improve the health and wellness of my family.  Although it certainly was not easy at times, the rewards definitely outweighed the challenges.  To learn about ALL the benefits and challenges I encountered during this experience, check out my blog post here.

Upon completing the challenge on October 31, I was inspired to start this blog, Journey to Complete Wellness.  What a blessing that has been!  I invite you to join me and over 16,000 others in this year’s October Unprocessed Challenge by taking the October Unprocessed 2014 pledge here.  Who knows what it will inspire YOU to do?

If an entire month seems too overwhelming, you can take the pledge for a week, or even a day.  It is not as difficult as it may seem.  You are allowed some “deliberate exceptions” (foods you can’t live without), and you take the challenge on your own terms.  The main goal is to become aware of the foods you are putting into your body.  It was truly an eye-opening experience for me!

Any step toward wellness is a step in the right direction.  You can do it!

I plan to track this year’s progress in this blog, so stay tuned for some new and exciting REAL-food recipes!

Please leave a comment below if you decide to sign up!  Good luck! 🙂

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4 thoughts on “October Unprocessed: The Inspiration Behind Journey to Complete Wellness

  1. Wow, you just made my day, Stacy. SO PROUD OF YOU for taking your and your family’s health into your own hands and kicking serious butt! Also, I’m really jealous you have chickens. 😉

  2. Pingback: 11 Steps to Help You Achieve Your Wellness Goals | Journey to Complete Wellness

  3. Pingback: 5 Tools to Track Your Health and Fitness Goals | Journey to Complete Wellness

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