
October Unprocessed: Days 8, 9, and 10

I was feeling a little bit tired earlier in the week, but I seem to have gained my energy back over the past few days! 🙂

Day 8:  Wednesday, October 8

For breakfast, I had some of of the Pumpkin Pie Smoothie I had made yesterday.

For lunch, I had leftover ground beef/onions and some of the roasted squash I made for dinner yesterday.  To drink, I finished off the Pumpkin Pie Smoothie.

For a mid-afternoon snack, I had an apple.  My daughters had ice cream when they got home from school, and normally I would have some with them, but I am not even craving ice cream anymore.  I was perfectly happy with an apple!

For dinner, I was out with my daughter and got her Broccoli and Cheddar soup from Panera Bread.  She couldn’t finish it all, and I couldn’t let it go to waste, so I did have her leftovers.  I also finally finished off the ground beef and squash.

For a snack later, I had a little bit of trail mix containing raisins, dates, cranberries, walnuts, dried apples, and coconut.

Day 9:  Thursday, October 9

For breakfast, I had some scrambled eggs and an orange.

For a mid-morning snack, I made a smoothie with the ingredients I had on hand.  It didn’t turn out to be one of my favorites, so I most likely won’t be making this again.  I juiced 1 empire apple (about 1/3 c.) and added 2/3 cup water and a handful of organic baby spinach.  I blended that until smooth, and then added 1 Tablespoon Peanut butter, 1/2 cup frozen raspberries, 1/2 cup pineapple, 1 banana, and 3 ice cubes.  I think the reason I didn’t like this much is because it wasn’t cold enough.  I usually use frozen banana, but I had run out and needed to use a fresh banana instead.  In my opinion, the colder the better when it comes to green smoothies.  The warmer the drink gets, the more you can taste the greens.

I snacked on some trail mix, a roll of turkey, more smoothie, and I also made some peanut butter balls using dates, oats, chocolate chips, and flax seeds.

For dinner, I had a salad with Grapeseed oil and a sprinkle of Mrs. Dash spice blend without salt.  I made Baked Ziti for the rest of my family, and I did have a little bit of that as well.

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Day 10:  Friday, October 10

For breakfast, I had a roll of turkey when I was making my daughter’s lunch.  I also had a few of the peanut butter balls I made yesterday, and I made some fresh apple juice using 2 empire apples, cinnamon, and a few drops of lemon juice.

For lunch, I had eggs and cheese, apple slices and broccoli.

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After lunch, I chopped up a head of broccoli and roasted it for a snack, and I ate the ENTIRE thing in one sitting.  That I have never done before.  It was really good!  You can find the recipe here.

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I made this Pumpkin Dip from 100 Days of Real Food and served it to my family with celery, apple slices, and graham crackers.  I took the dip to a gathering tonight, and everyone loved it!  At the gathering, I also had some salsa, chips, and celery.

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Overall, I am feeling great and am full of energy, although I do feel a cold coming on.  I have no cravings, and I feel like I don’t need to eat much to feel full.  REAL food is full of nutrients and it fills me up quickly.  Over the weekend, I’m planning to go to a family gathering that will contain many family favorite recipes, many of which are not unprocessed.  I will do my best to eat as healthy as possible, but I will allow myself to cheat a little bit and indulge on some of those family favorites.  Have a Happy Columbus Day Weekend!

October Unprocessed: Days 4, 5, 6 & 7

Day 4:  Saturday, October 4

For breakfast, I had scrambled eggs with roasted broccoli, zucchini & onions that were left over from dinner the other night.

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I had an apple, a peanut butter cookie, and some trail mix of cashews and chocolate chips as snacks throughout the morning.

For lunch, I had a green smoothie containing water, Kefir, spinach, frozen bluberries, and frozen bananas.

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For dinner, I finally finished off the potato salad I had made the other day.  Unprocessed foods go a long way in our house, since I’m the only one who will eat the leftovers.  Next time I will make a smaller batch.

For a snack, I made some energy bites containing 1/2 cup oats, 1/3 cup coconut flakes, 1/4 cup peanut butter, 2 Tablespoons ground flaxseed, 1/4 cup chocolate chips, 2 1/2 tablespoons honey, and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla.

Day 5:  Sunday, October 5

For breakfast, I made Banana Oatmeal Pancakes with pure maple syrup.

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I also had 1/2 a banana and a few chocolate chips.

I had a few of the energy bites I made last night for a mid-morning snack.

For lunch, I had a salad made with lettuce, tomato, shredded cheddar cheese, cashews, chopped apples, chopped pears, and a few chocolate chips.

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I also had some of my daughter’s leftover scrambled eggs and another energy bite.

For dinner, I made turkey tenderloin roasted in olive oil, salt, and pepper.  I chopped it and put in in a salad with lettuce and cucumbers, and I sprinkled it with lemon juice as the dressing.

Day 6:  Monday, October 6

For breakfast, I made banana oatmeal pancakes again for my daughter.  I had her leftovers along with an apple and some cashews.

For lunch, I browned some grass-fed ground beef with some onions and I also roasted some potatoes in olive oil, salt, and pepper.

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For a mid-day snack, I roasted some of the pumpkin seeds from the pumpkins my daughters carved on Sunday.

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I also made a Pumpkin Pie Smoothie (my 7-year-old’s favorite drink!) and I had about 8 oz of that.

I snacked on a few grapes as well.

At dinnertime, I cheated a little.  I made homemade pizza for the kids.  While I was planning to just have a salad, I couldn’t resist the pizza, so I did have a slice.  I used the pizza crust I made, freshly shredded mozzarella, homemade tomato sauce, and I topped it with the ground beef/onion mixture I made at lunch.

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Day 7:  Tuesday, October 7

For breakfast, I had the rest of the pumpkin pie smoothie that was left over from yesterday.

My 10-year-old didn’t touch the toast I made her (that she asked for), so I ended up eating that, too.  I couldn’t bring myself to throw it away.

I had a few grapes for a snack.

For lunch, I had more of the ground beef that I made yesterday and the rest of the roasted potatoes.

For a snack, I had some trail mix containing raisins, cranberries, dates, and walnuts.  When the girls got home, I finished off their grapes from their lunches and I also had the rest of my daughter’s leftover pizza from last night.

For dinner, I made baked haddock, roasted butternut squash, and a salad.  The haddock did have Ritz crackers on top (which I shouldn’t be eating), but that’s the only way the rest of my family will eat fish, so I have to compromise.

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So, I’ve cheated a little every day on some of the small things, but overall I’m feeling pretty good about my progress.  My counter is overflowing with apples and other produce, so I’m going to be looking for some recipes in the next few days to use them up! 🙂

October Unprocessed: Days 2 & 3

Day 2:  Thursday, October 2

For breakfast, I  had a hard-boiled egg and some watermelon.

Mid-morning snack:  I had a few leftover pieces of chicken from last night’s supper, some popcorn, and a banana.

Lunch:  I made a green smoothie containing 1/2 cup water, a handful of spinach, 1/2 cup kefir, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, and 1 1/2 frozen bananas.  This was VERY filling and kept me full for most of the day.October 3, 2014 002

Late-Day snack:  I had a stick of mozzarella cheese when the girls got home from school.

Dinner:  I made a chicken soup from the leftovers of last night’s dinner.  I used butter, celery, onions, carrots, the leftover broth from last night’s chicken, and the cooked, chopped chicken that was leftover as well.  For the kids, I also added some rotini (because that is their favorite part of the soup!)  I tried to avoid eating the rotini, although I may have had a few pieces slip in (I’m not going to worry about that, though.  My goal is not to be perfect, but only to become more aware of WHAT I am eating and WHY.)

I did snack on a few chocolate chips later on.  I have to admit, I wasn’t hungry at all, but they were there and that’s the only reason I ate them.  Overall, not a bad day other than the chocolate chips that I wasn’t hungry for. 🙂

Day 3:  Friday, October 3

I had a slice of Boar’s Head Ovengold Turkey as I was making my daughter’s lunches.  That is the only lunch meat I will allow myself during this challenge, as it claims to have no fillers, preservatives, etc.

I also made a batch of Flourless Peanut butter cookies for my 11-year old’s snack, and I had one of those as well.

For breakfast, I had scrambled eggs mixed with about a tablespoon of Feta cheese and a sundried tomato.  It was really good! 🙂

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Mid-morning snack – again, I had a few chocolate chips although I wasn’t hungry.  I think I just need to stop buying them! 🙂

For lunch, my friend gave me a cup of DELICIOUS carrot soup that she had made!  It contained coconut oil, onion, cinnamon, nutmeg, sweet potatoes, water, chicken broth, carrots, salt & pepper.  It was really good, and the perfect thing to warm me up on this cool, fall day.  I wish I had remembered to take a picture of it.  It was a beautiful shade of orange, and it smelled just as great as it tasted!

Afternoon snack:  I had an apple and another PB cookie.

For dinner, I had the rest of the potato salad I made the other day.

I went to a gathering tonight, and there I had celery and some chips with salsa.

Overall, I’m feeling pretty good about the challenge!  I’m looking forward to see what the weekend will bring.  Have a great weekend!!

October Unprocessed: The Inspiration Behind Journey to Complete Wellness

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One year ago, I took the October Unprocessed Challenge and spent the entire month of October 2013 eating only REAL, unprocessed foods.  It was a huge learning experience for me!  During the challenge, I felt terrific and full of energy all day long.  I discovered some wonderful new foods and recipes, and I connected with a whole world of like-minded people committed to improving their health and supporting each other.  It became a lifestyle change for me and my family.  I found healthy replacements for a lot of the foods we ate.  Overall, I felt great about all the positive changes I made to improve the health and wellness of my family.  Although it certainly was not easy at times, the rewards definitely outweighed the challenges.  To learn about ALL the benefits and challenges I encountered during this experience, check out my blog post here.

Upon completing the challenge on October 31, I was inspired to start this blog, Journey to Complete Wellness.  What a blessing that has been!  I invite you to join me and over 16,000 others in this year’s October Unprocessed Challenge by taking the October Unprocessed 2014 pledge here.  Who knows what it will inspire YOU to do?

If an entire month seems too overwhelming, you can take the pledge for a week, or even a day.  It is not as difficult as it may seem.  You are allowed some “deliberate exceptions” (foods you can’t live without), and you take the challenge on your own terms.  The main goal is to become aware of the foods you are putting into your body.  It was truly an eye-opening experience for me!

Any step toward wellness is a step in the right direction.  You can do it!

I plan to track this year’s progress in this blog, so stay tuned for some new and exciting REAL-food recipes!

Please leave a comment below if you decide to sign up!  Good luck! 🙂

Recipe: Tomato Pie

Are you looking for ways to use up those fresh tomatoes from your garden or local farm stand?  Here is a delicious tomato recipe I got from a friend.  She found this recipe in Hannaford’s Fresh Magazine (July-August 2011).  You can find the original recipe here.

I was skeptical at first because I had never heard of tomato pie before, but I figured I would give it a try to use up some of my tomatoes.  It was REALLY, REALLY good!!  Everyone else who tried it enjoyed it as well!  ( I could not get my kids to try it, but I’m sure they would have loved it, too.)  I invite you to give it a try.  I don’t think you will be disappointed!

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One pie crust

2 medium tomatoes (in season)

½ cup mayonnaise

1 container (5.3oz) plain Greek yogurt

1/4 cup dices sweet onion (Vidalia)

1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese

Fresh basil (or 1/2 teaspoon dried – I used dried because I didn’t have any fresh)

1/8 teaspoon pepper



  1. Blanch tomatoes in boiling water (for about 2-3 minutes, until the skin starts to break open.)
  2. Let cool for a few minutes, then peel.  The skin should easily peel off.
  3. Slice into approximately ¼” slices.
  4. Layer on paper towels to remove some of the moisture. Set aside.
  5. Preheat oven to 400°
  6. Prick holes in bottom of pie crust and bake at 400 for 12-14 minutes or until it starts to brown.
  7. Reduce heat to 375.
  8. Sprinkle half of the cheese on bottom of crust. Sprinkle onion over cheese. Layer tomatoes over onions and cheese.
  9. In a bowl, combine mayo, yogurt, the remaining cheese, basil, and pepper.
  10. Spread mixture over tomatoes and cook 45-50 minutes.
  11. Let cool for 20 minutes before you cut it!

Recipe: Homemade Italian Salad Dressing

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When I began this journey toward healthier eating, one of the first things I tried to do was minimize the products we used that contained corn syrup.  I began reading ingredient labels on everything I bought.  I was not able to find salad dressing in a store that did not contain corn syrup, so I decided to find a recipe to make my own.  That is when I came across this recipe from  With just a few minor modifications, I have made this recipe several times.  My family likes it even more than the store-bought dressings!

This recipe takes less than 10 minutes to make, it costs less than store-bought dressing, tastes better in our opinion, and it contains ingredients you most likely already have at home.  If you are missing a few of the spices, it probably won’t make much of a difference.

This recipe can be used on salad greens, pasta, or any recipe that calls for Italian dressing, including Perfect Potato Salad.

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½ cup white vinegar

½ cup olive oil

2 ½ Tablespoons Grapeseed oil

1 Tablespoon water

½ teaspoon garlic powder

½ teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon honey

1 ½ teaspoon dried oregano

1/8 teaspoon black pepper

1/8 teaspoon thyme

¼ teaspoon basil

1 teaspoon parsley

1 teaspoon Himalayan pink salt (if you don’t have any, just use regular salt)


Pour ingredients into a 2 ½ cup glass measuring cup. Transfer to a glass salad dressing bottle. Cover and shake well. Refrigerate to store.

Edited on 8/13/14:   I tried making this using olive oil only and leaving out the grapeseed oil.  After being in the refrigerator for a few days, it solidified.  So it is necessary to add another oil in addition to olive oil to prevent this.

Blueberry Muffins with Crumb Topping

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It’s blueberry season!!   My daughters and I love picking blueberries just as much as we love picking strawberries.  Blueberry muffins were the first thing the girls wanted to make with our fresh-picked blueberries.  While this is not a typical recipe I would post on here (as I do not consider it healthy), it is something we enjoy making occasionally (and it is blueberry season), so I thought I would share it.  It is quick and simple to make.  I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Update 8/16/2014 – These blueberry muffins just won 2nd place in a baking contest at the Marshfield Fair in Marshfield, MA!! 🙂

To come up with this recipe, I started with a long-time favorite blueberry muffin recipe of ours which you can find here.  From there, I made a few healthy modifications and came up with this:


1 ½ cups all-purpose flour

¾ cup white sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/3 cup coconut oil

1 egg

about 1/3 cup milk

1 cup fresh blueberries


½ cup white sugar

1/3 cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup butter, cubed

1 ½ teaspoons ground cinnamon



  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line muffin tin with muffin liners.
  2. Combine 1 ½ cups flour, ¾ cup sugar, and baking powder.
  3. Place coconut oil into a 1-cup measuring cup; add the egg and enough milk to fill the cup. Mix this into the flour mixture.
  4. Fold in blueberries
  5. Fill all 12 muffin cups evenly and sprinkle with crumb topping mixture (directions below.)
  6. Bake for approximately 18 minutes at 400°.


Crumb Topping:

 Mix together ½ cup sugar, 1/3 cup flour, ¼ cup butter, and 1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon. Mix with fork and sprinkle over muffins before baking.

Yield: 12 muffins

Strawberries: 10 Ways to Eat Them

10 Ways to Eat Strawberries

Nothing says summer like fresh strawberries!  In my previous post 9 Reasons To Pick Your Own Strawberries, I mentioned that I had been on 6 fun-filled strawberry-picking excursions with my daughters last month (and I’ve even been again since that post!)  One would think we would have more strawberries than we know what to do with, but the truth is I’ve been having trouble keeping the strawberries long enough to make anything out of them.  My girls devour them (sometimes even before we get home!)  It wasn’t easy, but I did manage to save some strawberries to make a few things. Here are 10 delicious ways to use those fresh-picked, juice-dripping strawberries!

1.  Eat them just as they are!

Of course, this is the healthiest (and our favorite) way to eat them, and they don’t last long.

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2.  Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries!

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Who doesn’t love the combination of chocolate and strawberries, right?  And truly, they couldn’t be easier to make! It requires 2 ingredients – Fresh picked strawberries & Baker’s Dipping Chocolate (you can find this in the baking aisle of your local grocery store – next to the chocolate chips.)

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Simply melt the chocolate as instructed, dip your strawberries, place on a tray on waxed paper, and enjoy!  If you prefer the chocolate a little bit harder (as we do), place in the refrigerator for about 10-15 minutes.

3.  Strawberry Jam

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This was our first attempt at making strawberry jam.  Although this particular recipe didn’t go over well with my family, I’m including it in here anyway since we spent the time making it.  Based on the reviews, it is very popular and it does seem like most people enjoyed it.  We halved the recipe since I didn’t know if we would like it and I wasn’t sure how much it would make.  It ended up filling 4 mason jars (8oz each).  Since I normally try to minimize the amount of sugar I put into recipes (and this time I didn’t), for us it seemed way too sweet.  I think next time I would use much less sugar.  You can find the recipe we used here:

4.  Strawberry Parfait

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This is one of our favorite choices for breakfast.  Simply use your favorite yogurt, fresh strawberries (chopped) any other desired fruits, and granola.  Layer and enjoy!! 🙂

5.  Strawberry Banana Smoothie

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Nothing beats a refreshing, fruit-filled smoothie on a hot day!  You can use any fruit you have on-hand, but here is one of my favorite combinations:

  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup fresh strawberries
  • 1 cup fresh pineapple, chopped into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 frozen banana

Blend all ingredients together until smooth.  Enjoy!! 🙂  Note:  Make sure at least one of your ingredients is frozen to make your smoothie cold.  In the absence of frozen fruit, you may want to add some ice to make it cold.  If this doesn’t appeal to you, try my other Strawberry Banana smoothie recipe, my Strawberry Banana Peanut Butter smoothie, or create your own yummy combination!

6.  In a salad

I love strawberries in my salad!  I also like to add blueberries, grapes, pineapple, cashews, and chocolate chips in addition to the lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers! 🙂  The fruit adds a wonderful juiciness that practically eliminates the need for salad dressing.  YUM!!

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7.  In  your cereal

We love adding fresh berries to our cereal.  Yum!!

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8.  Freeze them.

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If you have more strawberries than you know what to do with, you can freeze them for later use.  To freeze, begin by removing the stems.  Lightly rinse them and allow to dry.  Then, place them on a piece of wax paper on a cookie sheet in the freezer.  Once frozen, transfer to a ziploc freezer bag.

9.  Topping for cheesecake, ice cream, or pancakes

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My kids absolutely love this stuff!! Here is the recipe we used (next time I’m going to double it!):


  • 2 cups fresh-picked ripe strawberries
  • 1/3 cup white sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla


  1. Wash strawberries and remove stems.
  2. Chop strawberries
  3. Combine sugar, vanilla, and 1 1/2 cups strawberries in a saucepan. (Set aside remaining 1/2 cup strawberries.) 
  4. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally.  Cook until sauce thickens, about 15 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat.  In a blender, puree mixture.  Add in the 1/2 cup strawberries you had previously set aside.
  6. Store in refrigerator.

The original recipe can be found here:

I was also hoping to make strawberry pie and strawberry shortcake with fresh-picked strawberries this year, but unfortunately strawberry season is now over in my area so I’ll have to try those out next year.

10.  Strawberry Pie

Update 7/9/15:  I made Strawberry Pie with my daughters this season, and it was delicious!  The link to the recipe I used may be found on my blog Stacy Loves here.


11. Strawberry Ice Cream

Update 6/16/16

This strawberry ice cream, made with freshly picked strawberries, is the perfect treat on a hot, summer day!  The recipe can be found on Stacy Loves here.

Strawberry ice cream recipe

What is your favorite way to eat strawberries?  Do you have a favorite use for strawberries that is not included here?  Please leave a comment below.

Strawberries: 9 Reasons to Pick Your Own

June 6, 2014 075 a taste of summer

Nothing says summer like fresh strawberries!  After 6 fun-filled strawberry-picking excursions with my daughters last month, the season of strawberry-picking is unfortunately coming to an end in our area.

Here are 9 reasons why we love to pick our own strawberries:

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1.  It’s fun! 

Strawberry picking signals the beginning of summer for me, and it is like a little scavenger hunt finding the perfect strawberries to feed my family.

2.  It costs less.

A quart of strawberries at our local farm stands cost about $6.50, but if you pick your own and bring your own containers, you can get considerably more strawberries for the same price.  You may be able to get them “on sale” at the grocery store for much less, but the quality is nowhere near that of the strawberries you pick for yourself.

3.  They are fresher.

Can’t get any fresher than picked right off the plant!

4.  They taste better.

Picked at the peak of ripeness, my girls think strawberries taste better than candy! (LOVE that!) 🙂

5.  Great pictures.

I LOVE taking pictures, and strawberry fields are a wonderful location to get some great shots!

6.  Support local farmers.

Keeping your money in the community and helping other local families is always a good thing!

7.  Healthier – fewer chemicals.

Even if your local farm isn’t “certified” organic, many of them do not spray pesticides directly onto the fruit, especially if they are allowing you to pick your own.  Talk to your farmers to find out their exact procedures, but generally in talking with my local farmers I have found that their practices are much safer than that of commercially grown produce.   Just being able to talk to the farmer is a benefit in itself.  Although strawberries are part of the “dirty dozen” and it is recommended to always buy organic, I would buy local strawberries that are not organic over organic strawberries in the supermarket any day!

8.  It’s better for the environment.

Buying local reduces your carbon footprint.  Make sure to bring your own containers to save money and eliminate the need for packaging.

9.  You get to choose the strawberries you like best! 

There’s nothing worse than paying a premium price for strawberries in the grocery store, only to have to throw away half the container because the strawberries are rotten or not suitable for eating.  Picking your own ensures that you are only paying for the BEST strawberries.

If you’re wondering what to do with all of the delicious strawberries you have picked, be on the lookout in the next few days for the next post.  I will share some ideas of ways to enjoy all of these yummy berries!  To make sure you don’t miss it, click on the follow button in the sidebar to follow this blog.

Perfect Summer Potato Salad

June 10, 2014 126 summer potato salad blog

Nothing says summer to me like a cool, refreshing mix of potatoes, eggs, cucumbers, and celery mixed with the perfect blend of spices in creamy mayo.

To make it healthier and minimize my use of processed ingredients, I made my own Italian salad dressing.  If you’re running short on time, store-bought dressing will work.  But if you have a few minutes, give the homemade dressing a try and you will see how simple it is to make.  This delicious substitution is healthier and less expensive than the store-bought, and it gives me peace of mind being able to control the oils I use and to eliminate the high fructose corn syrup that is present in virtually all store-bought dressing.

The following recipe is my idea of a perfect potato salad.  Feel free to add or eliminate ingredients to your liking (for example, my family doesn’t like onions, but add them if you like).



4 medium Yukon Gold potatoes, washed and cubed into bite-sized pieces

¼ cup Italian Dressing (recipe below)

½ teaspoon salt

pepper, to taste (I just use a few shakes)

½ cup mayonnaise (we use Kraft Real Mayo)

1 medium stalk celery, chopped into bite-sized pieces

1 cup cucumbers, chopped into bite-sized pieces

2 hard boiled eggs, chopped into bite-sized pieces



  1. Add potatoes to a pot, adding just enough water to cover. Heat to boiling; reduce heat. Cover and cook until tender. Drain and cool.
  2. After potatoes are cool, stir in Italian dressing, salt and pepper. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours.
  3. Just before serving, toss with cucumbers, celery, eggs, and mayonnaise until potatoes are well coated.  Enjoy!


Italian Dressing recipe (makes 1 1/3 cups)

½ cup white vinegar

½ cup olive oil

2 ½ Tablespoons Grapeseed oil

1 Tablespoon water

½ teaspoon garlic powder

½ teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon honey

1 ½ teaspoon dried oregano

1/8 teaspoon black pepper

1/8 teaspoon thyme

¼ teaspoon basil

1 teaspoon parsley

1 teaspoon Himalayan pink salt (if you don’t have any, just use regular salt)

Pour ingredients into a 2 ½ cup glass measuring cup. Transfer to a glass salad dressing bottle. Cover and shake well. Refrigerate to store.

Recipe modified from