
Recipe: Banana Oatmeal Pancakes


Banana Oatmeal Pancakes

Prep time: 

Cook time: 

Total time: 

Serves: 8 pancakes

If you love pancakes and bananas, but you're trying to cut down on white flour and white sugar, I think you are going to love this recipe. These pancakes are healthy and delicious! I love that they are very quick and easy to make and the ingredients are all real food ingredients. I put all of the ingredients in the blender, and the batter is ready to pour within minutes! Enjoy! 🙂
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 Tablespoon vinegar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 ripe banana
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ⅛ teaspoon sea salt
  • 2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 2-3 Tablespoons Coconut oil or butter for coating pan
  • Maple syrup (for topping)
  • Berries (for topping, optional)
  1. Combine milk and vinegar in a cup or small bowl. Set aside for a few minutes to sour.
  2. Combine baking soda, cinnamon, salt, and oats in a food processor. Grind until smooth. (A NutriBullet works well for this.)
  3. Add milk mixture, eggs, banana, and dry ingredients in a blender or food processor. Blend until smooth.
  4. Heat coconut oil or butter in nonstick skillet over medium-low heat (or use a griddle pan at 300 degrees). Pour ⅓ cup batter onto the skillet for each pancake. Cook for 2-3 minutes, or until bubbles form around the edges of the pancake. Flip and cook for an additional 90 seconds. Continue with the remaining batter.
  5. Top with maple syrup and/or berries (if desired)

Can’t Sleep? Here are Some Tips to Help you Get a Great Night’s Sleep

Along with eating right and moving your body, getting the proper amount of sleep is an essential part of healthy living.  We spend a third of our time in bed.  If we are able to sleep well during that time, when we wake up, our minds and bodies will be refreshed and renewed and ready to begin the day in a positive way.  Getting adequate sleep can have a positive impact on every area of our lives, especially our health.

It’s important to get to bed early enough so you will get the proper amount of sleep you need for your body.  Everyone is different, but in general, adults usually need about 7-8 hours of sleep each night, and children need even more than that.

I love to wake up feeling refreshed in the morning, so I have realized the importance of making sleep a top priority in my life.  I try to be in bed by 10 pm most nights.  To help me get to sleep each night, I usually read.  I often don’t get many pages into a book before I am out.  On the occasion that I do wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep, I keep a notebook by my bed to write down any thoughts that come to me that I don’t want to forget.  If I can get my thoughts on the paper, I am then able to allow them to get out of my mind, and I can usually fall back asleep after that.  Those are some of the tips that work for me, but I realize falling asleep isn’t always that easy for many people.

If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, I have discovered a great resource from Casper,  a company committed to helping others sleep in more ways than their mattresses, that includes some helpful tips to help you get a great night’s sleep!  Check it out:

CAS_CantSleepLRG (1)

Do you have tips and tricks to help you fall and stay asleep?  Please leave a comment below and let me know what works best for you!

11 Tips and Tools to Help Ease Your Worries and Fears

worrying peace

Anxiety is something many people live with every day.  Did you know that most of the things we worry about never happen?  Even though we may know this, many of us worry about them anyway. At some point, we have all experienced anxiety in our lives in one way or another.  If you suffer from anxiety frequently, I want you to know that you can overcome it and find peace in your life.  There are many tools and tips available to help you turn those fears into love and peace, and in this article I will share those that have worked best for me.

I suffered with anxiety as a child.  As I look back on all those years of living in fear and self-induced stress, I realize how unhealthy it was.  But I also realize it was a gift.  I needed to go through the process of dealing with it to get to where I am today.  By the grace of God, I was able to find some tools that have helped me to overcome all of my fears and find lasting peace in my life.

There are an unlimited amount of tools to help you deal with anxiety, and your job is to find what works best for you.  With each problem you experience, there are many possible solutions.  What worked for me may or may not be helpful to you.  Here are 11 tools and tips that I have found to be useful for easing the worries and fears in my own life:

  1. Exercise – Virtually any form of exercise can act as a stress reliever.  Get your body moving in any way you enjoy.  Exercise does not have to cost money.  You can simply go for a walk, garden, clean the house, or engage in any exercise that you enjoy.  Make it fun, but most importantly, just get moving!
  2. Get Outside – Everything in nature is medicine!  From the light of the sun to the minerals in the rocks on the ground, and everything in between.  When I am feeling stressed, one of my favorite things to do is to go for a walk out in the fresh air (sometimes with my dog, sometimes with a friend, and sometimes by myself.)  When I walk alone, I focus on enjoying and appreciating the nature all around me, and I give gratitude for nature and all of the things I have been blessed with.  Another of my favorite things to do is take a deep breath in, look up at the sky, and say a silent prayer of gratitude.  It only takes a few seconds, but my stress is often instantly relieved when I do this.
  3. Meditation – Even 5 minutes of meditation can help bring your awareness to the present moment and help you to ease your fears.  Here is a 5 minute guided meditation I have found to be very calming for me.  If this particular video doesn’t work for you, there are many others out there.  Simply search the internet for “5 minute guided meditation.”
  4. Keep a Journal – I personally find writing to be very therapeutic.  In her book, The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron introduces a practice that can be very beneficial in helping you to reduce anxiety while improving your daily productivity and regaining your creativity.  This practice is called “morning pages.”  Morning pages consists of writing 3 pages in your journal upon waking each morning.  Write whatever comes to mind, and do not worry about spelling, grammar, etc.  Simply write without stopping until you have filled up 3 pages.  When I decided to challenge myself to writing morning pages daily for 30-days, I experienced many unexpected benefits.  I found that my days were more productive, I gained clarity on what my priorities really were in life, and I gained some valuable insights about life that led me to write my book, The 31-Day Self-Love Challenge.  Another benefit of morning pages was that it helped me to let go of some of my worries.  If “morning pages” seem too much for you, simply consider starting a journal and just writing your worries in there whenever they come up.  You may be surprised how therapeutic and helpful that can be!
  5. Turn off the News –  If you struggle with anxiety, one tip I strongly recommend is that you turn off the news.  You do not need to know about every fire, murder, or car accident that has happened in your area each day.  I do not watch the news at all, and I am easily able to keep up to date with everything I need to know through the headlines on-line and through my local town page on Facebook.  I simply click on those that I feel I need to know more about.  There is no need for me or my kids to see visuals of fires, murders, or accident scenes to add to our list of everyday stresses.  Instead of filling up your time with the local news, try replacing that time filling your mind with inspiring stories.  Do this and watch your attitude about the world shift from one of worry and fear to one of love and peace.  This advice is reinforced in my favorite bible verse:  “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” ~Philippians 4:8 NIV
  6. Yoga – I personally practice yoga at least once a week, and I have found it to be a very relaxing experience for me in body, mind, and spirit.  It helps me to focus on the present moment – something that is often very difficult to do in this day and age, especially as a mom.  According to Yoga Journal, just one of the benefits of yoga is that it relaxes your system: “Yoga encourages you to relax, slow your breath, and focus on the present, shifting the balance from the sympathetic nervous system (or the fight-or-flight response) to the parasympathetic nervous system. The latter is calming and restorative; it lowers breathing and heart rates, decreases blood pressure, and increases blood flow to the intestines and reproductive organs—comprising what Herbert Benson, M.D., calls the relaxation response.”  Check out the article 38 Health Benefits of Yoga to learn about more of the benefits of yoga.
  7. Reiki – Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.  I am a certified reiki practitioner, and I have witnessed the calming effects this technique has had on my family members and clients.  If you are interested in finding out more about reiki, you may do so at
  8. EFT Tapping –  EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping is another method that has proven to be highly effective in helping people to overcome their fears and phobias.  Tapping is a combination of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.  As you tap your fingers on specific points on your body, you acknowledge your fears out loud.  This helps you to become in tune with your feelings, and then it allows you to fully experience them so you are able to let them go.  I know from experience that tapping really works!  When my daughter developed some physical health issues last year, it caused her a great deal of anxiety.  After many doctor visits and tests and many school days missed, the doctors and specialists could find nothing physically wrong with her, but she insisted that the symptoms still existed.  Her anxiety grew, and fears began taking over her life.  She became afraid of going to school.  She was even afraid to go to sleep at night!  We began tapping on these issues and discovered some underlying fears that were contributing to these bigger fears.  We tapped on these issues every night.  Within a few weeks, all of her fears were gone and all of her health issues were completely resolved and have not returned.  Tapping is wonderful because it is a tool that you can use anytime and anywhere, it doesn’t require the assistance of anyone else, it is absolutely free, and it is very simple to learn!  If you would like to learn how to do it, visit The Tapping Solution to watch free instructional videos and to download some very useful tapping sessions to help reduce stress.
  9. Change Your Thoughts from Fear into Love and Gratitude -Just as light and darkness are opposites and cannot exist simultaneously, love and fear work the same way.  When you shine a light into a room, the darkness is removed.  Similarly, when you focus your thoughts on gratitude and love, worry and fears dissolve.  I recently had the opportunity to practice turning my fear into love and gratitude.  When I chose to do so, my worries vanished and I was overcome with peace.  My youngest daughter recently broke her arm and had to have a procedure done with anesthesia for the first time.  When she was 20 months old, she became very sick due to a reaction to a vaccine.  Since then, I have been fearful of vaccines, medicines, and putting anything unnatural into our bodies unless it was absolutely necessary.  Needless to say, I had a very difficult time dealing with her having anesthesia, and it caused me much anxiety and worry.As I sat in the waiting room while she was having the procedure done to fix her arm, the fears came rushing to me.  I kept thinking, “What if she doesn’t wake up?”  Finally, after worrying myself for several minutes, I made the decision to stop worrying and to turn my fears into love.In that moment, I closed my eyes and sent love to everyone in the operating room with my daughter, and I gave thanks for all of them.  I envisioned the room filled with a white light, and I sent love and positive thoughts to everyone involved.  Then, I gave thanks for the one thing that was causing me the most anxiety – the anesthesia.  I thanked it for helping this to be a positive experience for my daughter, and I tried to focus on all the good things about the anesthesia.  Because of it, she would have no pain during the procedure.  She would also have no memory of it, so it would not be a traumatic experience for her, and it would not cause her to develop new fears that she would have to deal with for the rest of her life.  When she woke up, her arm would be back together in a cast and on its way to healing properly.  Choosing to focus on the benefits of anesthesia and turning my thoughts from fear into love and gratitude helped me to calm down immediately.Within moments, the doctor emerged and he let me know that everything had gone smoothly and my daughter had done great.  I was taken to the recovery room to wait for her to wake up.  When she opened her eyes, I was right there by her side.  The first words that came out of her mouth were, “I’m bored!”  Right then, I could tell that she was her usual self, and it gave me a great sense of relief.  For the rest of the time we were there, everyone was fantastic with her.  The nurses were all so attentive, and I could feel the love that I had sent out being returned to us.When I decided to change my fears into love and gratitude, everything changed.  I saved myself many moments of unnecessary worry when I took the opportunity to look for the good in the anesthesia and give thanks for it.  That is just another reminder that everything in life can be a gift if you look for the good and focus on that! ~from The 31-Day Self-Love Challenge: Day 17.
  10. Let Go of Perfectionism – Learn to accept yourself exactly as you are.  Accept others just  as they are without judgement.  Recognize and appreciate the unique gifts you have to offer as well as those that others have to offer.  Let go of your desire to fit society’s definition of perfect, and also let go of your desire to control others to fit your expectations of perfect.  Nobody is perfect.  If we were, then there would be no opportunity for growth.  One of the reasons we are on this earth is to grow and to learn from our mistakes, and to help and teach others as we grow and learn along the way.  If we can recognize that we were not meant to be perfect and we allow ourselves to make mistakes in everyday life once in a while, we will take a lot of stress and pressure off of ourselves.  Stress is not healthy, and perfectionism is generally not healthy (unless you’re a surgeon or in a profession where perfectionism is necessary…then by all means, please keep your high standards.)  But in everyday life, we all make mistakes.  Many of us try to live up to the expectations of our society, and that is very unhealthy.  There is so much pressure to be the perfect parent, raise a perfect family, live in a perfect house, hold a perfect job, all while having the perfect body.  Guess what?  Perfection does not exist.  I have finally come to realize that, and life is so much easier and enjoyable without all that added pressure.  I believe one of the reasons I suffered with anxiety as a child is because I could never live up to my expectations of perfection.  I excelled in school all the way throughout my college years, but now I look back and ask myself, “why?”  Why did I put so much stress and pressure on myself to be the perfect student?  I do believe there is a reason for everything, and maybe the reason is so I can teach my kids that it’s ok not to be perfect.  It’s ok if you don’t get A’s on everything.  It’s ok if my house is not spotless 100% of the time.  It’s ok to try new things.  It’s ok to make mistakes.  It’s ok to be myself and do things my own way.  We are all growing and learning, and it’s ok if we’re not perfect all the time (or even most of the time.)  Nobody is.  How boring life would be if we were perfect!  There are so many ways to do everything, and each of our jobs is to find what works best for us.  A perfect life is an authentic life…it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.
  11. Surrender -I have discovered that the best way to a life of peace and serenity is through surrender.  We must remember that we are not the master planner of our lives.  Events are going to happen that are out of our control, and some of them may even be traumatic.  Sometimes we will be distracted, and things are not always going to go the way we plan.  When these things happen, we are presented with two choices:  we could feel sorry for ourselves because things aren’t going as we planned, or we could embrace the distractions and unfortunate situations and recognize each one as a gift and an opportunity to grow.  Sometimes these traumatic events may lead us to develop fears, phobias, or limiting beliefs.  The first step to overcoming any of these is to recognize them and decide that we want to overcome them.  Sometimes it feels safer to hang on to our fears, but that only prevents us from achieving our dreams and it does not allow us to grow into the person we were meant to be.  When we decide to let go and let God take over, we surrender control of our lives and decide to put our complete trust in God (or the universe, the process of life, or whatever you personally call it).  We then realize that everything happens in its own perfect time and for a reason.  We come to the understanding that we will receive everything we need at the perfect time, so there is no need for worry.  This realization and trust will provide us with a deep level of peace.  After living with anxiety for many years, I have finally experienced the deep peace that comes with surrender.  Once you find this peace, you are able to tap into it at any time.  I don’t believe there is any greater gift than that! (This excerpt was also from my book, The 31-Day Self-Love Challenge: Day 17.)

These are just a few tools you might want to try to help you relieve your worries and fears.  There are many, many more I could list, including music, aromatherapy, and the list goes on and on!  If none of these tips work for you, keep searching and trying new things.  Don’t give up!

What is your favorite way to relieve stress?  Please leave your favorite tip in the comments.

A New Year’s Resolution You Can Keep

Are you tired of making New Year’s Resolutions you can’t keep?

This year, instead of focusing on all the things you want to change about yourself, what if you made a different kind of resolution? What if the only resolution you made was to love yourself more, exactly as you are?

You are a perfect creation just as you are!  You were born with so many natural gifts to share with the world, but when you focus on all the things you think are “wrong” with you or that society tells you are “wrong” with you, your precious time and energy will be spent on the wrong areas and everyone will be missing out on the real gifts you have to bring to the world. Instead, why not focus on being yourself, discovering those gifts, and sharing them with those around you?

marie forleo

When you learn to love yourself unconditionally and live a more authentic life, all of the things you think are “wrong” with you will naturally take care of themselves. For example, if losing weight was going to be your resolution, that will naturally happen when you take the time to love yourself as you are and commit to discovering the emotional cause of your eating habits. Once you are able to deal with and overcome those emotional issues, you will naturally want to care for your body and fuel it with real foods that nature intended us to eat. Then, the weight will fall off naturally. The same goes for any other area of your life that you think might need improvement.  When you begin to live authentically, everything begins to fall into place and your dreams will begin to come true!

If you do want to live a more authentic life and get to know and love yourself more but you don’t exactly know how to do that, The 31-Day Self-Love Challenge was written to help you do just that.  It requires just 15 minutes of your undivided attention each day for 31-Days. You will learn to embrace your uniqueness, discover your priorities so you can spend your time and energy on those things that really matter in life, and recognize your gifts and talents so you can share them with the world and fulfill the purpose that you were sent here to make.


So, whatever challenge or resolution you decide to make for this New Year, I wish you much success!

Documentary Review: The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest

Documentary Review:  The Truth About Cancer:  A Global Quest

Hosted by Ty Bollinger

Watch the trailer here:

the first wealth is health

“When a man has his health, he has a thousand dreams.  When he has lost his health, he has but one.”

Over the past 9 days, I have invested many hours watching all 9 episodes of the docu-series, “The Truth About Cancer:  A Global Quest,” hosted by Ty Bollinger.

It was a very informative series that tells the stories of people who have beat cancer through the use of alternative therapies. It describes many different treatments that have been successful in curing cancer when used instead of, or in conjunction with, conventional treatments.

I enjoyed learning about these alternative therapies, and I deeply appreciate all of the hard work the entire crew put into making this information available to us.  Some of the “truth” was very disturbing.  For example, they told the stories of several pediatric patients who were forced to use conventional treatments, despite the wishes of the child or their parents.

My only criticism about this documentary was that I felt the general attitude toward the conventional methods and conventional doctors and oncologists was overly negative.  I do believe there is some good in everything, and while my personal preference would always be to go the natural route first if possible, I have heard of stories where conventional methods have worked successfully for some people, but that is not mentioned in the documentary.  Because of the negative stance this took toward conventional treatments, I was very hesitant to share these episodes with friends because I did not want to stir up any negative feelings in those I know who have lost loved ones to cancer using conventional methods.  However, I ultimately decided that the past is in the past, and if this information can help save a life in the future, it is important that it gets out there.

After listening to all the stories of the cancer survivors, these are some of the key things I noticed and what I learned about the treatments, tips, and resources that are available:

  • FAITH – I noticed that every cancer survivor shown had a deep faith in God and faith in the ability of their own body to heal itself.
  • DETOX – I learned that one of the first things these patients did was detox their bodies as part of their treatment plan. Some of the ways they used to detox their colon, kidneys, liver, and lymph nodes were through juicing wheatgrass and other fruits and vegetables, fasting, herbs, coffee enemas, and colonics.
  • SUPPORT – Each of these cancer survivors had a deep support system. They were deeply loved and supported by close friends or relatives.
  • EMOTIONAL HEALTH was one of the main focuses of their healing process. Eliminating stress from their lives was a key factor in their healing.  Some also worked on letting go of their fears, and one spent a considerable amount of time dealing with past pains until he could make peace with each event.
  • NUTRITION played a huge role in the healing of all of these patients. They all changed their diets to eliminate sugar and processed foods and to eat a diet of REAL foods.  Many of them strictly followed a raw, vegetarian diet during their healing process.
  • Many of them added cancer-fighting foods to their diets, such as green pepper, eggplant, turmeric, ginger, wheatgrass, eggplant, and hot peppers.
  • ESSENTIAL OILS, especially Frankincense, Myrrh, and Cannabis oil.  Sandalwood and lavender oils were also mentioned.
  • NATURE.  Many of them spent a lot of time out in nature and took advantage of the healing properties of nature. From the sound and smell of the ocean, to the plants that we eat and the sun that shines on our skin to produce Vitamin D, everything in nature is medicinal.
  • SUPPLEMENTS.  Many of them began taking vitamins, especially Vitamin C, D, B17, LifeOne, and Living Fuel 
  • Infrared sauna or infrared heating mats
  • Light & Sound Therapy
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Laetrile – Vitamin B17 from Apricot kernel pits w/hypothermia
  • GRATITUDE.  Many of them practiced gratitude. In general, they seemed to all have a positive attitude and outlook on life.
  • Chiropractic – “The doctor of the future will give no medicine,  but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.“~Thomas Edison
  • Heat therapy – heat kills cancer cells
  • IV therapy
  • Phytotherapy
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Micronutrient therapy
  • Essiac Tea
  • Earthing – Walking barefoot on the beach or in the grass.
  • And many other therapies were mentioned.

Here are some resources that were mentioned:

I believe knowledge is power. It is important to know that there are so many other treatment options available in addition to the conventional methods of surgery, chemo, and radiation.  There are as many effective treatments out there as there are types of cancer.  I personally cannot recommend any of these specific therapies, but I encourage you to do your own research before trying any of them.  Having this knowledge could help you save a life one day…possibly even your own.

The 31-Day Self-Love Challenge Is Now Available!!

Do you want to live a more authentic, peaceful, and purposeful life? Do you want to live your life to the fullest and use your natural gifts and talents to make the world a better place?  If so, I am SO excited to introduce you to my very first book, The 31-Day Self-Love Challenge!


This 31-day guided journal will help you learn to recognize your worth, identify your purposes in life, and develop the habits necessary to become healthy in body, mind, and spirit.  It is intended for anyone who is starving for a little bit of alone time, or anyone who is willing to dedicate a little more time to get to know and love yourself more. If you know anyone who could benefit from this book, I would be grateful for your recommendation. It is currently available through Amazon here.

Also, if you enjoy inspiring quotes or would like to follow my journey as an author, please “Like” my FB Author page Stacy Rancourt.

8 Reasons to Keep Chemicals off Your Lawn

8 reasons to keep chemicals off your lawn2

Spring is finally here!  The trees are budding, the flowers are blooming, and the grass is starting to grow again.  On a stroll through our neighborhood on any Saturday during this time of year, you are likely to see people out walking behind their green spreaders filled with fertilizer and chemicals in an effort achieve that perfectly green lawn that will be the envy of the neighborhood.  Or, the edge of their lawn will be lined with little yellow flags alerting you not to walk on the grass because the lawn company already spread the pesticides.

April 19, 2015 062 pesticide

If you walk past our house, you will not see any of that.  Sometimes I feel like we are the only ones around who don’t use chemicals on our lawn, but we stand by our decision.  Here are some of our reasons why:

1.  Save Time.  My time is very precious to me, and I try to make sure it is spent wisely.  I would much rather spend my time with my family making memories than taking hours out of my day four times a year to go to a lawn and garden supply store, purchase several bags of fertilizer, lug them all home, and then put our health at risk by spreading the chemicals on my lawn.  I feel that my time is better spent with my kids.  In the end, the only thing that REALLY matters in life is our relationships.  In the grand scheme of things, the color of our lawn means absolutely nothing.

2. Save Money.  It would take several bags of fertilizer to cover our .92-acre lawn, with each bag costing around $50.  Since I haven’t bought fertilizer in a few years, I just looked on-line to figure out what it would cost to cover our lawn, and the amount blew my mind!  In the end, we are saving hundreds of dollars each season by skipping this process.  To me, that money is better spent making memories with my family on our summer vacation.

3. We have loved ones who walk on and play in the grass. 

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We all love our children, pets, and friends and don’t want to harm them in any way.  I love that I don’t have to worry about my kids, their friends, our dog, or our chickens being harmed by chemicals when they walk on or play in our grass.  It just doesn’t seem right to me to have a lawn that you’re not allowed to walk in.  It’s there for us to play in and enjoy, not just to look at.

When my oldest daughter was 18 months old, we went for a walk one sunny May afternoon.  Our neighbor had recently spread fertilizer on her lawn.  As we walked past her house, my daughter spotted little orange candy-like rocks on the sidewalk.  Thinking it was candy, she picked one up and immediately put it in her mouth and ate it before I could stop her.  I panicked and called Poison Control.  They instructed me to give her a glass of water, and thankfully it turned out to have no effect on her since it was such a small amount.  Nevertheless, it was a scary situation and I’m sure others have had similar experiences.

4. It kills the bees. 

May 7, 2014 046 crop

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe,

then man would have only four years of life left. No

more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no

more animals, no more man.” ~ Unknown

It is said that without bees, the human population would only be able to survive about 4 years.  We rely on the bees for so much of our food supply, including many of our fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

My husband has been a beekeeper for over 4 years and his bees have never survived the winter.  When asking more experienced beekeepers for advice, they explained that they have recently started experiencing the same problems.  Years ago, they would be able to keep their bees through the winter with no issues, but it is getting more difficult each year. Many beekeepers are attributing it to the increased use of pesticides and fertilizers. Here is a great article that discusses bee colony collapse disorder and the role pesticides play in that.

5. It contaminates our ponds, lakes, and water supply.


We are blessed to have two large ponds in our town that are home to some beautiful birds and wildlife. For years, the ponds provided clean water and safe year-round recreational use for residents to enjoy. Unfortunately, we have not been able to enjoy these ponds in recent years because they are contaminated.  For several years in a row, the algae reached dangerous levels and warnings were issued to avoid any contact with that water.  Sadly, among other reasons, fertilizers and chemicals are said to have played a major role in the contamination of our beautiful ponds.  It is very unfortunate to drive by these beautiful ponds and beaches on a summer afternoon and see them empty. If they weren’t contaminated with fertilizers and chemicals, we would still be able to enjoy them.

6. Dandelions are useful, nutritious, and I think they are pretty. 


I personally love the contrast of the yellow dandelions in the green grass.  I love to take pictures of my kids playing in the dandelions.  They love to pick them.  While everyone else is fighting dandelions, I embrace them and see the beauty in them.  Dandelions are a gift of nature, and they also have many health benefits.  Although I have not yet eaten dandelion, I think nature is trying to tell us something by making them so abundant.  I think we need to embrace them and stop fighting them.  For more information on all the wonderful benefits of eating dandelion, check out this blog post by one of my favorite blogs, DIY Natural.

7. It pollutes the air.  Yesterday my friend and I took off on our daily morning walk through a nearby neighborhood.  It was a beautiful morning!  The sun was shining, and there was a slight breeze every once in a while.  Each time the wind blew we would smell chemicals that had been freshly sprayed on the lawns over the weekend.  We were commenting how it can’t be good for us to inhale these chemicals, and it can’t be good for our kids either. Nearly every house we passed in that affluent neighborhood had little flags on their lawn notifying us that chemicals were present. We encourage our kids to play outside, thinking the “fresh air” is good for them. How fresh is it, really, when they are ingesting the chemicals from the neighbor’s lawn?

8.It’s not necessary. 

I think nature is beautiful and perfect just as it is, and I don’t think we need to interfere with it.  I don’t know who decided that a perfectly green carpet of a lawn is ideal, but I disagree.   Our lawns weren’t meant to be perfectly green.  They’re meant to have color.  The grass is there for us to enjoy, not just to look at.  I think people have created unnecessary work for themselves.  I think we should embrace nature as it is rather than fight it.  It’s so much easier and enjoyable to float down the river and appreciate the beauty of it than it is to fight the current and travel upstream.

“True mastery can be gained by letting things go their own way.  It cannot be gained by interfering.”

“One who lives in accordance with nature does not go against the way of things.”

Both of these quotes are from one of my all-time favorite books by Wayne Dyer, Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life

The Reason We Stopped Using Chemicals

Until we got chickens four years ago, we used to follow the 4-step lawn care routine just like everyone else we know. When we moved into our house, we wanted our lawn to look nice and blend in with the neighbors, and fertilizing the lawn is just what you do in our neighborhood.  I never gave any thought as to why we did it, and I never considered the consequences until we got our chickens. After getting the chickens, I couldn’t bear the thought of them living in the grass and eating these chemicals, which in turn we would eventually be eating when we ate their eggs.

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I am a big advocate of being aware of the things you put in and on your body. In the end, less use of chemicals will result in less contamination of the foods we eat.  Although I respect everyone’s right to do what they want with their lawns, I don’t feel the benefits of a lush, green lawn are worth the time, effort, and ultimate health consequences of spreading fertilizers and pesticides.  What do you think?

Do you use chemicals or fertilizers on your lawn?  Why or why not?  Please leave a comment below.

This article was originally posted on Journey to Complete Wellness on May 7, 2014.

How I Cured My Strep Throat Naturally

April 2, 2015 004 Natural Strep Throat RemediesIt seems like some people are prone to strep throat while others seldom get it.  Unfortunately for me, I seem to get it anytime I’m exposed to it.  As a child, I used to get strep every spring.  Now as an adult, I’ve had it several times over the past 10 years.

As I browsed through my Facebook posts this week, it seemed like everyone I know in my town had at least one family member dealing with it…and of course I was, too!

I first came down with strep throat about a month ago.  I started with a sore throat on a Monday night.  By Tuesday morning it was extremely painful and I knew it was strep, but I dealt with it.  On Wednesday, it was so painful I couldn’t bear to swallow or even talk.  It felt like razor blades in my throat.  I finally decided to go to urgent care and get antibiotics.

I took the antibiotics for the entire 10-day course, and I was feeling great.  A few days later, I felt it starting to come back slowly.  Finally by Sunday afternoon, it hurt to swallow and even to talk. I couldn’t go to urgent care because they were closed for the day.

I decided I would go in the morning, but in the meantime I would look up some natural remedies to help soothe my throat.  To my surprise, they worked!  By Monday morning, my throat felt so much better that I decided not to go to the doctor, but to continue with the natural remedies.  By Wednesday, my sore throat was completely gone!  I was shocked because I had tried using natural remedies before, and they didn’t work.  This is what I used:

  1. Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar.  Mix 1 cup water with 1 Tablespoon Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (with the Mother).  Gargle with that a few times, and then sip the rest of it.  I did this twice a day for 3 days.
  2. Manuka Honey with Cayenne Pepper.  Take 1 Tablespoon of Manuka Honey and sprinkle a dash of cayenne pepper on top.  This is what I used because I had Manuka honey on hand.  Manuka honey is very expensive (about $35-$40 for 17oz.), so if you don’t have any on hand, try with local raw honey.  It is much more accessible and costs less.  I took this once a day for 3 days.April 2, 2015 019 manuka cayenne2April 2, 2015 020 manuka and cayenne
  3. Vitamin C.  To help boost my immune system.  I took a 500mg tablet of Vitamin C once a day until my sore throat was completely gone (3 days.)
  4. Echinacea.  I took one Echinacea capsule each day to boost my immune system.  Whenever I feel an illness coming on, I take Echinacea and usually I feel better by the next morning.
  5. Garlic.  The first day of my severe sore throat, I ate a clove of raw garlic…but that was so strong!  I could feel my throat burning as it went down.  I decided it probably wasn’t a good idea to do that again, so I added a clove of garlic in the NutriBullet with my daily green smoothie and I couldn’t even taste the garlic that way!
  6. Eat REAL food.  The entire time my throat was sore (3 days), I decided to help my body heal itself by feeding it only REAL foods.  The coconut oil in the picture is not an extra treatment as I use coconut oil regularly in my cooking and baking.  I simply included it because I love coconut oil and it is good for so many things and has many healing properties that it couldn’t hurt to include it in your diet, especially if you are not feeling well.

April 2, 2015 012 roasted veggies April 2, 2015 002 real food

Please keep in mind that I am not a doctor…these are simply the remedies that worked for me personally.  Everyone is different, so it may or may not work for you.  I believe the Apple Cider Vinegar gargle is what helped me the most.

If you try these remedies and your symptoms do not improve within a day or two, please see a doctor.  Strep can be very serious if left untreated.

Have you found any other natural remedies that successfully cured your strep?  If so, please leave a comment below and let me know what worked for you.

Listening to the Wake-Up Calls in Life: Fire Safety Tips

Fire Safety tipsI believe we are constantly receiving signs in life.  When something goes wrong, I view it as a gift and a wake-up call that is not to be ignored.

Yesterday morning at 1:00am, my family got a wake-up call when my 7-year-old’s pillow fell between her bed and the wall.  The wall contained an outlet which had a 3-way extension plugged into the bottom receptacle.  She had a fan and another nightlight plugged into the extension.  In the top receptacle, she had a nightlight plugged in.  She had removed the covering of the nightlight, so the hot bulb was exposed.

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Her pillow landed on the bulb of the nightlight and caught fire.  She didn’t even realize it because she was asleep.  Thankfully, my husband was downstairs and smelled the horrible smell of burning foam.  He immediately began searching for the source of the smell.  He woke me up and I began searching as well.  When he finally got to my daughters room, he realized her pillow was on fire (although not yet in flames…thankfully!)  We woke up all three girls and got them safely outside.

I dialed 911 on the phone, but there was complete silence on the other end.

I tried again.

Same result.  I could not get through to 911!

Thankfully, my husband was able to get the burning pillow outside in the snow and we did not need 911.  This is what remains of her pillow.

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Her mattress was also damaged.

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Luckily we all escaped this incident unharmed and lost nothing but a pillow, a mattress, and a few hours of sleep. I know we were being watched over by God and our angels, and I am SO grateful for that!  Who knows how much longer before the pillow would have burst into flames right next to my daughter’s head.  I’m not one to spend time worrying about what ‘could’ have happened, but I know things could have turned out much worse than they did, and I am feeling so grateful!

What I’ve Learned:  Fire Safety and Prevention Tips

I’ve learned a lot through this experience, and I feel it is my responsibility to share what I have learned so you do not have to go through the experience yourself.

  1. Check your smoke detectors.  Make sure they are all working with batteries that have been recently replaced, and please make sure they are attached!  Although the smoke detector in my 7-year-old’s room was working, I will admit that some of our other smoke detectors in other bedrooms were NOT hooked up.  Sometimes they go off in the middle of the night for no apparent reason.  My husband then removes them to stop the piercing sound throughout the house so we can all get back to sleep.  And then, he doesn’t replace them.  I view this incident as a sign and a warning to me, and if you’re reading this, please take it as a sign and take a few moments to check yours as well.
  2. Make sure you have a carbon monoxide detector on each level of your home.  Again, I  had removed the carbon monoxide detector because it was old and it randomly went off one day.  I threw it away and never replaced it.
  3. Check your outlets and heaters.  Make sure nothing is up against them.  Electrical plugs MUST be pushed all the way into receptacles in wall sockets as well as extension cords.  There is a great article about this from Fire 9 Prevention.  I heard lots of stories yesterday about fires starting because a plug was not in all the way.  Initially, we thought that was the cause of our fire until my husband found the nightlight melted under her bed.
  4. Make sure all light bulbs and nightlights have coverings.
  5. Make sure you have 911 set up to the correct address!  We don’t have a traditional landline phone…we have Magic Jack which goes through our internet connection.  I had assumed my husband set up 911 service through Magic Jack, but apparently they now charge for 911 and 411 services, so he had not set it up.  If you have MagicJack, here are the instructions to set up their 911 service.  I also heard lots of stories yesterday from friends who said their 911 was linked to a prior address.  It is worth taking a few minutes to make sure 911 is set up to your current address.  It could save your life or the life of a family member.
  6. Talk to your kids about fire safety and prevention.  Make sure you have a designated meeting area outside.  Make sure they know to tell you if they see or smell anything out of the ordinary.  What concerns me the most about this whole incident is that my 7-year-old didn’t think anything was wrong when she smelled the smoke from her burning foam pillow.

If you’re reading this, I hope you will take a few minutes to check your home for fire safety and talk to your family about it.  For more fire prevention tips, there are a lot of great articles on Fire 9 Prevention.

Acupuncture: My First Treatment

acupuncture needlesI had my first acupuncture treatment this week.  Yes, I willingly had needles stuck into me for no particular reason.  If you’ve never had an acupuncture treatment done before and you’re wondering if it hurts, I had the same question.  I’ll describe my treatment and hopefully it will answer some of your questions and help to alleviate some of your fears.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that uses needles to help the flow of “Chi” (life force energy) in the body.  This energy flows through and around your body along pathways called meridians.  Sometimes the “Chi” becomes blocked or unbalanced due to stress, physical trauma, poor diet, addictions, or other causes.  When this happens, it causes illness in the body.

Acupuncture is a way to unblock the chi and help it flow back into balance.  If you’re seeking treatment for a medical condition, the acupuncturist will assess your condition and determine where the imbalance may be and then select a treatment strategy.

Acupuncture needles are inserted in the skin at specific points along the meridians.  This helps to unblock the chi, restore harmony, and heal the body.  The depth of the needles varies depending on the area of the body it is inserted.  The needles are sterile and are thrown away after one use.

Acupuncture originated in China thousands of years ago, and it is the oldest continuously practiced system of medicine in the world.

Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is best known as a treatment for pain, but it may also be used to improve health in other areas such as:

  • Mental-emotional imbalances, including stress and anxiety.
  • Preventive Care – Helps boost immunity
  • Respiratory diseases, including asthma and allergies
  • Digestive orders
  • Helps alleviate pain, including arthritis, headaches, etc.
  • Neurological
  • Dermatological
  • Helping to overcome drug addictions
  • Women’s Health Issues, including menstrual issues, infertility, and menopause.

My Experience with Acupuncture

This week, my boss booked an acupuncture “happy hour” for our weekly team meeting.  I had never had acupuncture before, but I had heard of the many benefits and I’m fascinated with Chinese medicine.  I was looking forward to giving acupuncture a try.

I was the first one of my team to arrive.  I walked into the building, excited for this session, but not knowing what to expect.  As I opened the door, the pleasant fragrance of essentials oils filled the room and immediately calmed me.  The acupuncturist greeted me and began explaining some of her background and the benefits of acupuncture.  In the background, soothing nature sounds played quietly on a CD to create an even more relaxing atmosphere.  The walls were filled with Chinese artwork, fans, and calming pieces of art.

Once the rest of my team arrived, the acupuncturist explained a little bit about acupuncture and its benefits, and then she offered us a drink of goji berry juice mixed with other berry juices and edible essential oils which she diluted in seltzer water.  She claimed it was extremely high in antioxidants and would help to boost our immunity.  She warned us of the strong taste.  We each cautiously took a sip.  The taste was fruity and not overly strong, and I thought it was refreshing, so I drank it down.  After the drink, she took 2 of my coworkers into the room, while my boss and I waited quietly in the waiting room until it was our turn.

When my coworkers came out of the room about 30 minutes later, they were so deeply relaxed.  I was looking forward to a nice, relaxing session as well.

It was my turn to go in.  I walked into the room.  Two acupuncture tables were set up with blankets and pillows on top.  I went to the farthest table and sat on the edge of it.  My boss came in and took her place on the remaining table.  The same soothing music that was playing in the waiting room was also playing in this room.  The smell of essential oils filled the room as well.

The acupuncturist came into the room and explained exactly what she was going to do since neither of us had experienced an acupuncture treatment before.  She opened a new package of needles and showed them to us – fine as a hair – that is why they do not hurt when inserted.  She explained we might feel a slight pinch or pressure when it is first inserted.

I went first.  She began by gently rubbing Bergamot essential oil to my wrists, ears, forehead, ankles, and feet.  Then she inserted the needles in those same spots.  It didn’t hurt.  As she had explained would happen, I felt a little pinch in some areas when she first inserted the needle, but in others I didn’t feel it at all.  Once the needles were in, I didn’t even know they were there.  I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and relaxed as she moved on to my coworker.

When she was done with my coworker, she turned off the light and left the room.

It was a very relaxing experience other than the fact that my feet were cold.  She forgot to turn on the heat lamp before she left the room.  My focus kept turning to my feet, so it wasn’t as relaxing an experience as it could have been.

She returned about 20 minutes later, removed the needles, and rubbed more essential oil on my ears.  I sat up, slowly put my shoes and socks back on, and joined my co-workers in the waiting room.  I felt relaxed.

Would I do it again?  Under the same circumstances, yes.  Or if I had a medical condition, yes.

However, I probably would not pay for a session just for relaxation.  In all honesty, I experienced a much deeper level of relaxation during a reiki treatment.  Maybe it was because my feet were cold, or maybe because I was not the only one in the room.  Don’t get me wrong.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to experience acupuncture.  It was calming.  It was painless.  It was relaxing.

I think acupuncture can be very useful for so many conditions, and the benefits are many.  I would definitely recommend giving acupuncture a try if you have a medical condition.  Or, if you experience pain, I would recommend giving acupuncture a try as an alternative to pain medications.  I am excited that acupuncture is becoming more widely available, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to experience it!  I would certainly recommend giving it a try!