
Visual Quote: Everything You Need Will Come to You at the PERFECT Time

perfect time

This is one of my favorite mantras.  I repeat this to myself often, and I truly believe in it.  People sometimes ask me how I always stay so calm and relaxed and don’t worry about anything.  This is the reason.  There really is no need to worry about anything.  Everything ALWAYS works out for the best, and everything always arrives in its own perfect timing.  Our only job is to Let Go and Let God take over.  What’s meant to be will happen, and if something is not meant to be, it is for a reason.

This mantra is one that is particularly on my mind this week.  Tomorrow I am going for a job interview for the first time in over 17 years!  But I am not worried or nervous.  If I get the job, that is great!  If not, then I know someone else is more suited for the job, and I will consider it a blessing because I know something else will come along for me that is an even better fit.  I know everything will come to me at the PERFECT time because God is good, and I have complete trust that he takes care of those who strive to do his will.

So, the next time you are feeling nervous or anxious about anything, or you just want something NOW, just remember:  EVERYTHING YOU NEED WILL COME TO YOU AT THE PERFECT TIME! 🙂

What are some of YOUR favorite mantras?

A New Year’s Resolution You Can Keep: Do You Want to Love Yourself More?

What if the only resolution you made this year was to spend some time getting to know and love yourself so you could live a truly authentic life, using your natural gifts and talents to make the difference you were sent to make in this world? On a scale of 1-10, how much do you love yourself?  How well do you know yourself? If your answer to either of those questions is not as high as you would like it to be, I invite you to download my FREE e-book/journal to participate in my 31-day challenge beginning on January 1, 2015. You will need 15 minutes of uninterrupted time each day to focus on yourself.  Turn off the phone, television, and get away from any distractions.  Each day, you will be asked one question that will help you get to know and love yourself more. At the end of the month, the desired result will be a deeper connection to yourself, more inner peace, love, and acceptance of yourself, and hopefully a clearer vision of your priorities and where you are going in life.  You will not need to reveal your answers to anyone. If that sounds like just what you need right now, you can download my e-book/journal The January 2015 Love Yourself More Challenge  for FREE.  The e-book will only be available for free for a limited time, so click on the book cover below to download it, and join me in working toward becoming healthy in mind, body, and spirit! lym cover2 resized updated

Top 10 Inspirational Books I Read in 2014

As 2014 comes to a close, I feel it is important to reflect on the past year and recognize the good things I have discovered.  Reading is a big part of my life.  I love to read, I love to learn, and I LOVE to be inspired.  I have read a lot of great books over the past year, but these 10 have inspired me the most.

I have included links to those I have reviewed (click on the title or the book cover to see the review.)

magic in a book

Here are the Top 10 Inspirational Books I Read in 2014:

10. The Artists Way by Julia Cameron

This book helped me to realize the connection between creativity and spirituality.  Book review coming soon!

The Artists Way

9. Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo

This book helped to take away the fear of death.  It gave me comfort regarding life after death, confirmed for me that heaven is just as wonderful as I had always believed, and it even excited me about all that awaits us after our purpose on this earth has been fulfilled. The movie was also wonderful!

Heaven is for Real

8. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver

This book made me more aware of WHERE my food was coming from.  I learned a great deal about eating seasonally and preserving the harvest.  I became more aware of the amount of energy used to transport foods, and I have changed my buying habits to buy local and eat seasonally whenever possible.

animal vegetable miracle

7. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson

A book filled with wonderful advice.  There are 100 great tips to help you relax and stop stressing out about the little things.

Don't sweat the small stuff cover

6. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

One of my all-time favorites!  Morrie is so full of wisdom and optimism, and I enjoy the way he always focuses on his blessings.  We could all learn from him.  I think everyone should read this book at least once!

Tuesdays with Morrie cover

5. The Charge by Brendon Burchard

This book really motivated me and got me feeling charged about life and some projects I am currently working on.  The book is a great motivator!

The Charge Cover

4. A Quaker Book of Wisdom by Robert Lawrence Smith

This book is FILLED with wisdom!  I LOVED it!

A Quaker Book of Wisdom Cover

3. Dying to Be Me – by Anita Moorjani

I love the message of this book.  This book taught me the importance of being true to myself always.  It taught me that physical death is not something to fear, and it taught me the importance of letting go of all fears and enjoying life to the fullest…now!!  This book reinforces the belief that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that we are all connected.

Dying to Be Me cover

2. Wonder by R.J. Palacio

One of the most moving and inspiring books I’ve ever read.  I think everyone should read this book at least once!  I LOVED it!!

Wonder image

1.  Life Makeovers by Cheryl Richardson

I have read and taken the weekly challenges given in this book each week for over 7 years, and it still continues to inspire me!

Life Makeovers

I have read so many wonderful books over the past year.  It was difficult to choose only 10.  Here are some other books I have read in 2014 that were inspirational, but didn’t make my Top 10:

Which books have inspired you this year?  Please let me know in the comments below.

The Gift of Creativity

creativity julia cameron

I love, love, LOVE this quote from Julia Cameron!  It reminds me that all of my interests and talents are a gift, and I should make more time for them.  They were given to me to help make the world a better place, and the greatest contribution I can make to the world is using the gifts and talents that were given to me.

In Julia Cameron’s book, The Artists Way, she writes about the connection between creativity and spirituality.  It is a wonderful book and I highly recommend it to anyone who would like to make more time for their creative self. 🙂 

I believe that God is the true creator of all works of art (photography, music, books, dance, painting, etc.).  When we allow ourselves the freedom to let our inner artist flow through us, there we discover our authentic self.  When we nurture our creativity, God works through us and it may seem the works are created effortlessly.  Using our creativity provides us with a sense of peace, love, joy, and fulfillment, and it is the way to authenticity.  We are all born with creative talents…we just need to spend more time discovering ourselves to unleash that talented artist within us.  So, take some time today and go create something!  You’ll be glad you did. 🙂

December Challenge: Keep a Giving Journal

make a life by what we give

Giving brings meaning to our lives.  It makes us feel useful.  When we contribute to something we are passionate about, it makes us feel like we are making a difference in the world.  It makes us feel like we matter.  As Brendon Burchard says, “At the end of our lives, we will all ask:  Did I Live?  Did I Love?  Did I Matter?”  When we give, it makes us feel like we matter.  It makes us feel alive!  And I think that is what Winston Churchill means by his quote above.

It is December!  ‘Tis the season for giving!

We all give of ourselves in some ways every day, but how often do we recognize all that we give and how it makes us feel when we give?  How often do we give out of love vs. out of guilt or obligation?  When we give out of love, we are giving because we feel a connection and we want to help others and brighten their day, and it feels so great!  When we give out of guilt or obligation (because we feel like it is expected or required), it only causes stress and makes us feel resentful because we are not being true to ourselves.

I think giving means so much more when it is authentic and done out of pure love, and that is how I want to give of myself.  To help me with this, I have set a challenge for myself to keep a giving journal for the month of December.  Each day this month, I’m going to track what I give, whether it be time, money, kindness, or even a simple compliment.  I will state whether it was given out of love or obligation, and I will note how I felt when I gave.  I am hoping this challenge will push me to give more out of love every day and spread a whole lot of love in the process.

I’ve never kept or heard of a giving journal before, but I did a little research to see if anyone else had.  I came across a very informative e-book on the subject by Frank Agin.  To find out more about keeping a giving journal and all the benefits associated with it, you can download the free e-book by Frank Agin, The Giving Journal.

Have you ever kept a giving journal?  If you have, I’d love to hear any ideas you may have. 🙂

Inspiration Friday: What REALLY matters?

Happy Friday!

Here is a beautiful reminder of what REALLY matters in life.  You can focus your time and energy on acquiring money, fame, or possessions, but they will not make you happy and will only leave you wanting more.  In the end, we must ask ourselves, “What REALLY matters?” and spend our time and energy on those things.  If you can’t see the video below, check it out here.

Inspiration Friday: Jim Carrey’s Secret of Life

My friend sent this inspiring video to me last week, and I thought it was absolutely perfect!

Check it out!

Have a Happy Friday and a wonderful weekend, and remember to always choose LOVE!

Movie: What’s on Your Plate?

whats-on-your-plate movie pic

Last night I watched the movie “What’s on Your Plate?” with my 9-year-old and 11-year-old daughters.

“What’s on Your Plate?” is a documentary that follows two 11-year-old girls in New York City as they set out to investigate where their food comes from, how far it travels, how it is prepared, etc. They interview farmers, food activists, storekeepers, and many others as they visit farms, supermarkets, fast-food chains, and school lunchrooms.

I loved this movie because it was educational, inspirational, and eye-opening for my girls. As they were watching, they had a lot to say. My 9-year-old mentioned how lucky we are to have farms all around us and to have access to fresh, local produce all summer. Both of my girls were inspired by this movie. Without any suggestions from me, they both decided they wanted to challenge themselves to eat only REAL foods for one week. (LOVE that!) 🙂

I thought this movie was a perfect introductory food documentary movie for my girls.  I loved that it wasn’t overly negative. It focused more on the “good” in eating REAL foods than it did on the “bad” in eating processed foods.   The movie aligns with my mission to teach my girls to respect their bodies. I think this movie should be shown in every school to help bring awareness to children about the importance of respecting their bodies and eating healthy.

Check it out!  You can see the trailer here.  🙂

12 Life Lessons I Learned From our Dog

Photo by Donna Bemis Photography

Photo by Donna Bemis Photography

This is our dog, Puddles.  After several years of begging for a dog, my husband and kids finally had their wish fulfilled last July.  They were so excited to take home their 2-month old puppy and welcome him into our family.  Honestly, I wasn’t so excited.  With my time already in short supply, the last thing I wanted was to take on all the responsibilities associated with a new life in the house.  I had already endured many sleepless nights when the kids were infants, and I wasn’t ready to relive those days.

So, we agreed Puddles would be “their dog” and they would be taking full responsibility for him.  For the most part, they have done that.  In the early days, my husband would wake up several times each night to take him outside.  The girls happily took turns taking him for walks during the day.  As time went on, they became less enthusiastic about taking him outside or picking up his messes.  Now, they often need a reminder that he is their dog, they asked for the responsibility, and I’m not going to do it for them.  With that said, I take him out for walks if my husband isn’t around during the day or if I just feel like going for a walk and taking him with me.

On one of my recent walks with Puddles, I realized he has taught me a lot in the past 11 months.  Here are a few things he has reminded me about love and life in general (advice most of us could probably use):


1.  Take the time to stop and smell the roses.  And the grass.  And the pine trees.  And anything else you find interesting on your path.  Don’t rush through life.  Slow down, and fully enjoy each moment.

2.  Get outside as often as you can.  There are so many fascinating things to enjoy in nature.  If you don’t feel like exploring, just lie down and soak up the sun.

3.  Greet your family members  as if you haven’t seen them in years.  Every time.  There’s nothing better than a loving welcome.

4.  Never pass up an opportunity to play.  Play chase, play keep-away, or just chase a ball, the leaves, a bird, the wind, anything that moves, etc.  Run around and enjoy life!  It’s good exercise, too!  Don’t take life so seriously.

5.  When life gets too hectic, go into another room by yourself, lie down, and rest.  We all need a break sometimes.

6.  Never pass up an opportunity to pee.

7.  Let your emotions show.  Especially the good ones.  Let your loved ones know you are happy to be with them.

8.  Ask politely for the things you want.

9.  One of our fundamental desires in life is to be included and accepted as part of the family.  Love and accept your family members, embrace your differences, appreciate the uniqueness of each member, and make everyone feel included as part of the family.

10.  Trust your instincts.

11.  Forgive easily.  We all want to please our loved ones, but we all make mistakes sometimes.  We are all doing the best we can.

12.  Stay loyal to your family members no matter what.  Just be there, listen, and love unconditionally.  Do not judge.  Just being there can lift someone up when they are having a bad day.

I resisted getting a dog for a long time, but now that Puddles is part of our family, I can’t imagine life without him.  I think he has been beneficial to our health — both our physical and mental well-being — and he has brought us closer together as a family.  Since he joined our family, we have tried to identify and plan family activities that include Puddles.  We spend more time hiking and being out in nature.  We enjoy exploring our area and finding new trails and destinations where we can bring him.  We plan our vacations with him in mind.  Overall, having a dog forces us to get outside more, get more exercise, and discover nature all around us.

Puddles also has the capability to lift our spirits in an instant.  This past spring, my oldest daughter didn’t feel well for several weeks.  When she would return home from school each day, just seeing and petting Puddles immediately cheered her up and took her mind off her pain and all her worries.  She has fully recovered, and I know Puddles played a part in that.

Who wouldn’t enjoy being greeted by this adorable face?  He is a blessing!  I’m grateful for the reminders he has taught me about life and love, I’m happy he has taught my girls about responsibility, and I’m happy to call him a member of our family. 🙂

July 29, 2013 020 crop

10 “Secrets” to Inner Peace


As I was meditating on the 10 Commandments recently, I realized these life guidelines are a wonderful gift to us. In a perfect world, everyone would follow these commandments, suffering would be completely eliminated, and everyone would be full of love and free of worry. We would all be at peace with ourselves and wouldn’t be afraid to “be ourselves.” We would all be loved and accepted just as we are, with no pressure to conform to what society says is “right” and “wrong”, and our uniqueness would be appreciated. We would all know ourselves and be able to identify our gifts, we would know God, and we would know that underneath it all, we are pure LOVE. Everyone would lovingly share their natural God-given gifts and talents with each other to make the world a better place.

But we do not live in a perfect world. We have free will. While free will is generally a wonderful gift (without it, we would not be able to grow), unfortunately it allows for all of us to occasionally take some actions out of fear rather than love. Each action taken out of fear eventually causes suffering, either in our own life or someone else’s. That is exactly what the 10 Commandments are trying to prevent.

The 10 Commandments are not secrets at all.  They are widely known and accepted by various religions, but they are not always followed.  When reading the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20:1-17 of the bible (NIV), initially they seem very harsh and instill fear in me. After spending some time meditating on them, I see the reasons behind them and see that they are all based on LOVE. They are guidelines to help us avoid suffering.  Here is my attempt at a “loving” 2014 interpretation of the 10 Commandments:

 1. Make God (a.k.a. “LOVE”) the #1 priority in your life.

 Having complete faith and trust in God will allow you to let go of all your worries, give them up to God, and live in peace.  As one of my favorite sayings goes, “Let Go.  Let God.”

God is the one constant in your life. Everything and everyone else will come and go, but your creator will never leave you. During the difficult times in life, trust that everything is happening exactly as it should. I believe that everything happens for a reason and always for the greatest good, even though we may not understand the reasoning right away. I believe that there are no accidents in life, and every experience we encounter each day is a gift. My trust in God is what gets me through the difficult times, and those times have proven to be some of the greatest blessings in my life.  Remember that you are not the master planner of your life, and everything will always work out for the best in the end. When you are able to give all your worries up to God and let go of trying to be the master planner of your life, fear will be replaced with LOVE, and you will know peace.

So, how do you make God the #1 priority in your life?

It all starts with loving yourself.   When you make the time for self-care and you really take the time to get to know, love, and accept yourself exactly as you are, you will find God within you.   When you love yourself, you will respect your life and your body. You will want to feed your body healthy foods and feed your mind only healthy thoughts. You will want to spend more time on your personal growth, trying to better yourself each day so you can be the best person you can be.

Society tells us self-care is selfish. Society tells us to take care of everyone else first and put ourselves last. I believe this commandment is telling us the opposite. It is telling us to put God first. Since God is within you, the more time you focus on loving yourself, the more you will come to know Him. When you take the time to care for yourself, you will be better able to care for others. If you don’t love yourself, it is impossible to love others. God speaks to us in the silence, so if you don’t take time to be still, it is very difficult to hear God. Since God IS love, the more time you spend getting to know yourself and God, the more you will be filled with love. Eventually, you will be so full of love that the love will start to pour out onto others. Your actions will be done out of pure love rather than guilt or obligation, and you will be fulfilling your purpose on this earth.

If anyone or anything besides God is #1 in your life, it will take away your inner peace and cause suffering.  This includes money, addictions, power, possessions, etc.  Let go of your need for these things, and trust that God will provide whatever is needed in your life.

Do you feel at peace right now? If not, ask yourself what or who is the top priority in your life.

The 1st Commandment from Exodus 20:3 NIV states:

“You shall have no other gods before me.”

2. Focus your time and energy on relationships rather than possessions.

We all came into this life with no possessions and will leave this life with no possessions. Do not worship or get too attached to your possessions. All possessions come and go, and they don’t really belong to us anyway. Everything we have belongs to God and is a gift from God. Spending too much time and energy consumed with acquiring and maintaining possessions leads to an empty life. Remember, “The best things in life aren’t things.” At the end of your life, the shiny car you drove or the house you owned will not matter. The only things that will matter are the relationships you had: with God, with yourself, and with others. Take the time to nurture your relationships. LOVE comes first.

The 2nd Commandment from Exodus 20:4-6 NIV states:

“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.  You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

3. THINK before you speak. Is it:   True?  Helpful?  Inspiring?  Necessary?  Kind?   If not, keep it to yourself.  Everything you say should be done out of love.

 Speak only kind words about yourself, about God, and about others. Since God is within you and God created you, speaking negatively about yourself is the same as speaking negatively about God.

Speaking poorly about yourself, God, or others will destroy your inner peace, so do your best to keep your thoughts and words positive. Philippians 4:8 states: “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.”

There are many proverbs and verses in the bible that promote the idea of thinking before you speak.

Proverbs 29:20 states: “Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him. “

Proverbs 10:19 states: “The more talk, the less truth; the wise measure their words.”

James 1:19 states: “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…”

Ecclesiastes 5:2 states: “Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words be few.”

The 3rd Commandment from Exodus 20:7 NIV states:

“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.”

4. Each week, take a full day off to recharge.

This is my favorite tip, and the one practice that has made the greatest impact in my life! Since following this advice, I have come to know myself better, I feel like I know God much better, I feel like I know what my true priorities are in life, and I feel relaxed, happier, less-stressed, and much more at peace.

Each week, set a day aside to rest. Do your best to plan all your work around that day each week. Spend the day enjoying your family and friends, and take the time to stop and truly appreciate all the blessings surrounding you. Allow spontaneity, especially if you follow a strict schedule the other 6 days of the week. Allow yourself to get bored once in a while and really get to know your true self. Be fully present wherever you are, and focus completely on what you are doing. Notice the little things, and try to spend the day in a state of gratitude. You may be surprised what a positive impact this will make on your life, and may find that allowing yourself the time to relax and recharge actually makes you more productive.

The 4th commandment is a blessing, and if more people followed this commandment and took the time to relax and recharge each week, I think people would have much less stress in their lives, much more peace, and families would be much stronger. It is personally my favorite day of the week!

The 4th Commandment from Exodus 20:8-11 NIV states:

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.  Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”

5. Respect your elders, and take advice from those you admire.

When you are a child, those who care for you generally have your best interest at heart. If you listen to them, you will be safe, protected, and live a long life. If you ignore their advice, you will be putting yourself and your life in danger. Take advantage of the wisdom your elders have gained, and listen to them so you don’t have to learn things for yourself the hard way.

The 5th Commandment from Exodus 20:12 NIV states:

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”

6. Respect each other. Respect the environment and all the creatures of the earth. Do not intentionally harm anyone.

We are all one big family inhabiting this earth together. We need to love, respect, and accept each other. Every person and every thing we encounter each day is a gift. We need to recognize, appreciate, and respect all the gifts we have been given and treat them all with love.

The 6th Commandment from Exodus 20:13 NIV states:

“You shall not murder.”

 7. Keep your promises. Help others to keep their promises.

 Broken promises cause suffering. If you aren’t positive you can keep a promise, don’t make it. Select your words carefully. Instead of saying, “I will…” get into the habit of saying “I will try…” or “I might…” or “I’m planning to…” Sometimes unforeseen circumstances prevent you from doing what you say and promises are broken, causing disappointment. I rarely make promises, but when I do, I take them seriously and make sure I can fulfill the promise I made.

Also, do not interfere with a promise someone else has made, especially if it is a vow in marriage. Marriage is not something to be taken lightly. When two people love each other and take the vows of marriage, it is a promise they make to each other and to God. Everyone needs to respect this promise.

The 7th Commandment from Exodus 20:14 NIV states:

“You shall not commit adultery.”

 8. Respect the belongings of others.

Recognize that people work hard to earn everything they have. If you want something, you must also work hard to earn it. Do not take what doesn’t belong to you. Also, do not be afraid to ask if you need something. Matthew 7:7 NIV states: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” If you want something, work for it. If you need something, simply ask, but do not steal.

The 8th Commandment from Exodus 20:15 NIV states:

“You shall not steal.”

 9. Be honest with yourself and others, and treat everyone with love and respect.

 Be completely honest with yourself and others. Don’t say yes when you mean no. Doing things just to impress or please others doesn’t help anyone, and it will only cause you resentment in the long run. Make sure EVERYTHING you do is done out of love. Doing anything out of guilt or obligation is not an act of love.

Speak only kind words about others. If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say it at all. Do not gossip, spread rumors, or consume your precious time with the way others are living their lives. Rather, put your time and energy into improving your own life and helping others to do the same.

The 9th Commandment from Exodus 20:16 NIV states:

“You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.”

 10. Be grateful for what you have.

I believe the attitude of gratitude will always bring happiness and peace. Focus on your blessings and give thanks rather than focusing on your wants. When you focus on your wants, you are focusing on the things you are lacking in your life, and that just puts you into a state of fear. On the other hand, being grateful puts the focus on love and abundance. Instead of always going after the latest model car, phone, etc., learn to be content with what you have. According to Buddha, craving and desire are two of the biggest causes of suffering.

The 10th Commandment from Exodus 20:17 NIV states:

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”


If everyone followed these 10 commandments all the time, I believe suffering would be nearly, if not completely eliminated, and we would all be at peace. But the reality is, we are all human. We all make mistakes and break some of these commandments from time to time. When that happens, we can guarantee that someone will pay the price for our mistakes. We may cause our own suffering, or we may cause the suffering of someone else. But the good news is, it is not the end of the world and we can be forgiven if we just ask for it. We can wake up the next morning, thank God for a brand new day, and start new.

Overall, I think Jesus summed up the 10 commandments perfectly in Mark 12:30-31 NIV

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

Also, you can never go wrong if you follow the golden rule:  “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.”

May your days be filled with love, peace and blessings!