Daily Planner & Journal for Intentional Living

Do you want to live a more intentional life?  Do you want your days to be happier?  More exciting?  More productive?  More meaningful?

Each of us is the creator of our own reality.  We are responsible for our own happiness, and although we are not the master planner of our lives, we have the ability to create our lives through intention and our daily practices.

The 31-Day Daily Planner & Journal is intended to help you live more intentionally, to set some goals day by day, and to help you keep a log of some of the activities that are essential in living a healthy, balanced life.

31 Day Daily Planner and Journal Cover

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Each day consists a morning routine and an evening routine – the morning routine consists of 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Each Morning to Help You Live Intentionally and Create Your Ideal Life and the nighttime routine is intended to help you review your day and your accomplishments and to help you keep a log of some of the activities that are essential in living a healthy, balanced life (exercise, time outside, acts of kindness performed, etc.)

5 Questions

This journal should take about 10 minutes to complete each day – 5 minutes at the beginning of the day, and 5 minutes at the end of each day. The morning routine is intended to help you start the day in a positive way. Each day provides an inspirational quote to reflect upon.  You are also prompted to spend a few moments in gratitude each day. The journal will also help you to set your priorities for the day so you can be more focused, and ultimately, more productive.

intention leslie schwartz

At the end of each day, it is also a good idea to review your day without any judgement of yourself. Focus on those things you did well. If you didn’t accomplish everything you had set out to, it’s ok. Just move on. Tomorrow is a new day.

The evening routine is something that I initially created as a checklist to save my daughters from boredom over summer vacation. It was important to me that they spend some time each day in the following areas: being creative, exercising, being outside, spending some time in gratitude, helping others, learning, reading, and practicing their instruments. After I gave the checklists to my daughters to fill out, I realized that many of the questions and items on the checklist could also be applied to my own life.  (To live a healthy and balanced life, we all need to spend some time each day doing those things.) So, I modified the checklist slightly and created one for myself.  At the end of the day, I enjoy filling out the nightly review.  It helps me focus on the highlights of the day and the things that went well, and I have found that it provides good closure to my day.

If you do take up this practice of either the morning or evening routines (or, ideally both), I would love to hear how it impacts your life!  Please leave a comment below or find me on Facebook.

If you would like to delve further into any of these topics, many of them are discussed in much further detail in my book, The 31-Day Self-Love Challenge.

May all your days be filled with love, excitement, learning, living, laughter, kindness, and all things good!

Peace, Love, and Blessings


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