October Unprocessed “Real Food” Challenge


October Unprocessed is a challenge that is near and dear to my heart because it was the inspiration behind this blog!

In 2013, I took the October Unprocessed Challenge and spent the entire month of October eating only REAL, unprocessed foods.  It was a huge learning experience for me!  During the challenge, I felt terrific and full of energy all day long.  I discovered some wonderful new foods and recipes, and I connected with a whole world of like-minded people committed to improving their health and supporting each other.  It became a lifestyle change for my entire family.  I found healthy replacements for a lot of the foods we ate.  Overall, I felt great about all the positive changes I made to improve the health and wellness of my family.  Although it certainly was not easy at times, the rewards definitely outweighed the challenges.  To learn about ALL the benefits and challenges I encountered during this experience in 2013, check out my blog post here.

Upon completing the challenge on October 31, I was inspired to start this blog, Journey to Complete Wellness.  What a blessing that has been!

I have participated in October Unprocessed every year since that first challenge in 2013, and I learn new things each time.  I invite you to join me and many others in this year’s October Unprocessed Challenge by taking the October Unprocessed pledge here.  Who knows what it will inspire YOU to do?

If an entire month seems too overwhelming, you can take the pledge for a week, or even a day…it doesn’t even need to be October!  It is not as difficult as it may seem.  You are allowed some “deliberate exceptions” (foods you can’t live without), and you take the challenge on your own terms (find the official rules here.)  The main goal is to become aware of the foods you are putting into your body.  It was truly an eye-opening experience for me!

Any step toward wellness is a step in the right direction.  You can do it!

Good luck if you decide to join the challenge and give it a try!  I’d love to hear how it goes! 🙂


For some yummy new real-food recipes and and entire month of real-food ideas, check out my 2016 results.

I have created a blank October meal plan PDF.  Feel free to print it out to help you plan your meals for the month.

100 Days of Real Food is an excellent resource for real-food recipes and tips.

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